Scattering theory and polynomials orthogonal on the real line Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 258 (1980), pp. 467-494 Google Scholar [GeNe] J.S Geronimo, P Nevai Necessary and sufficient conditions relating the coefficients in the recurrence formula to the spectral function for orthogonal polynomials...
Math formulae Footnotes Artwork Image manipulation Electronic artwork Figure captions Tables References Reference management software Reference formatting Reference Style Video and Audio Data Data visualization Supplementary material Research data Data linking Data Availability statement Inclusion and Diversity stateme...
For an ordered binary intermetallic compound AmBn, Miedema and coworkers estimated the corresponding heat of formation by treating the atoms as macroscopic pieces of the metal according to the formula [1]ΔHfkJ/mol~fcAcB−PABΔφ*2+QABΔnWS1/32–RAB where PAB, QAB, RAB are numerical ...
Math formulae Tables Figures, images and artwork Generative AI and Figures, images and artwork Supplementary material Video Research data Data statement Data linking Research Elements Article structure References After receiving a final decision Article Transfer Service Publishing agreement License options Open...
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View all files Repository files navigation README DS-ML-DL-AI-Explained Provides descriptions and implementations of algorithms and their implementations for everything related to Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence Table of Contents: Machine Learning Algorithms: Linear...
A scientist studying aesthetics uses all the scientific methods such as induction, verification, falsification, logic and quantification. Gradually, Zhang concluded that beauty is flawless and rare. "I can even write a formula for aesthetics. Based on that, we can develop an aesthetic robot in the...
Holographic three-dimensional display is an important display technique because it can provide all depth information of a real or virtual scene without any special eyewear. In recent years, with the development of computer and optoelectronic technology, computer-generated holograms have attracted extensive...
The journal editor oversees the peer review process of all special issues and article collections to ensure the high standards of publishing ethics and responsiveness are respected and is responsible for the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of articles. Open access We refer you to ...
Research must be innovative and advance scientific knowledge. Characterization - For all polysaccharides or their derivatives, including those obtained from a supplier, essential structural information which will affect their behavior in the subsequent work should be given, along with a description of how...