期刊全称:Science Advances;NLM刊名缩写:Sci Adv;国际标准期刊编号(ISSN): 2375-2548;出版国家:美国;起始出版年份:2015;首次期刊引证报告(JCR)年份:2017;出版商:American Association for the Advancement of Science;学科分类:MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES。 期刊简介&收录范围: 《科学进展》是美国科学促进会(AAAS)的开放...
Quaternary Science Advances (QSA) 出版内容涉及所有与第四纪地质科学相关的研究,本刊致力于快速发表经同行评审的原创研究论文、研究简报和综述等。作为Quaternary Science Reviews(CiteScore: 7.8,Impact Factor:4.0)的姊妹刊,作为一本开放获取期刊,本刊的内容可以被所有对第四纪地质科学感兴趣的读者即时轻松获取。特别欢迎...
Top Research Topics at Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal? The journal is mainly concerned with subjects like Artificial intelligence, Control theory, Pattern recognition, Computer vision and Computer network. The Artificial intelligence study featured in Advances in Science, Te...
Science Advances is the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s (AAAS) open access multidisciplinary journal, publishing impactful research papers and reviews in any area of science, in both disciplinary-specific and broad, interdisciplinary areas. The mission of Science Advances is to ...
经学校2024年4月17日党委常委会议研究,决定对学校有关内设机构和岗位职数调整如下: 一、将机关党委独立正处级建制设置调整为“与党委组织部合署办公”,机关党委书记由党委组织部部长兼任,设机关党委专职副书记处级岗位1个,机关党委科级秘书...
It is the essential guide to the most awe-inspiring advances in science and technology, explaining how they change our understanding of the world and shape our lives.MORE Email ***@sciam.com Facebook Followers 3.2MTwitter Followers 4.3MInstagram Followers 420.9K Frequency 30 posts/week Domain...
2024年Advanced Science 青年科学家创新奖获得者揭晓! Advanced Science青年科学家创新奖(Advanced ScienceYoung Innovator Award)由Wiley出版集团发起,旨在表彰在材料科学、物理和化学、医学和生命科学以及工程学的基础和应用研究等领域做出卓越贡献的年轻科学家。
Hybrid polymeric composite materials, from the superficial interactions to their applications Edited byIgnazio Blanco,Sneha Samal,Traian Zaharescu 13 August 2024 Partner journals Hybrid Advances Open access Applied Surface Science Supportsopen access 12.5CiteScore 6.3Impact Factor...
Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering (indexed Scopus – Impact factor 1.2 Clarivate/Web of Science) Special Issue Title: “Advances in Complex Systems” Guest Editors: Mohamed NEMICHE and Mohamed ESSAAIDI MDPI Mathematics (indexed Scopus – Impact factor 2.4 Clarivate/Web of Science) ...
Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications features original scientific articles which undergo peer review by experts in the field. The journal encourages submissions from the research community where attention will be on the innovativeness and the practical significance of the published findings...