Earlier in his speech, Economy Minister Rafizi Ramli said the goal of the KL20 Action Plan was to bring the top 20 startups in the world into the country. This, he said, would be done through the immediate introduction of several measures. He said the move was aimed at accelerating the...
Finally, the study seemed to stress the importance of implementing quick and rational lockdown measures, of making patients comfortable, of implementing an action plan to discourage car use and decrease firm's pollution, and of buying ad hoc health care facilities, medical equipment, and devices ...
Career Column25 Aug 2022Nature Fostering research excellence in an uncertain environment A proposal to change how academic performance is measured at an Australian university spurred one department into action. Claire Smith Heather Burke Michael Morrison ...
Planctivores like some cnidarians, polychaetes and bryozoans are most abundant in tidal pools that never or rarely become dry. The primitive ChitonAcanthopleurasp. is commonly found attached to rocks splashed with sea water. Oysters (Fam.Ostreidae) have solid shells and are permanently attached...
Large-scale tape storage deployments are challenging to plan and operate with three basic components: the storage media in the form of tape cartridges, tape drives, and robotic tape libraries. Additionally, dedicated networking and compute servers may be needed. Thus, HEP tape storage tends to be...
The multifaceted sense of directionality included both personal directionality given by a plan or by the search for sense and the collective directionality that society can find when huge events happen to upset the status quo. However the distinction of the two realms (personal and collective) and...
In the United States, President Obama’s Administration issued the 2013 Second Open Government National Action Plan calling on agencies to leverage the ingenuity of the public through the use of citizen science and crowdsourcing to provide timely and actionable information (Holdren, 2015). This ...
image manipulation undermines the authors’ confidence in the work, and they believe that the most responsible course of action is to retract the paper. The authors sincerely apologize to the scientific community for any problems encountered due to the publication and retraction of this manuscript....
Plan testing, training, and exercises. Testing the plan identifies planning gaps, whereas training prepares recovery personnel for plan activation; both activities improve plan effectiveness and overall agency preparedness. 7. Plan maintenance. The plan should be a living document that is updated regular...
Yet these urgent issues cannot be ignored, requiring immediate further research, policy attention and practical action. The nature of research in this area concerns the environmental, social, economic, cultural and ethical impacts and couplings of the production and consumption of animals and animal-...