Whenever a textbook is written of real educational worth, you may be quite certain that some reviewer will say that it will be difficult to teach from it. Of course it will be difficult to teach from it. It it were easy, the book ought to be burned; for it cannot be educational. In...
Here one risk that I’ve considered in my post-tenure era, but not had the guts to implement yet: In my Biostatistics class, I’d like to entirely do away with all quizzes and exams, and simply implement an oral performance-based final for 100% of the grade. By the end of the se...
8-13 quiz 14–5 Google Scholar 56 J.A. Iestra, D. Kromhout, Y.T. van der Schouw, D.E. Grobbee, H.C. Boshuizen, W.A. van Staveren Effect size estimates of lifestyle and dietary changes on all-cause mortality in coronary artery disease patients: a systematic review Circulation, 112...
Her books include: Into the World, Amazon top-25 seller Questionable Quizzes, and the bestselling novel The Scarlet Forest: A Tale of Robin Hood. aechandler.wixsite.com/author Star*Line 44.4, 46.1 José Chapa (Mission, Texas, 1990) authored Pájaros de Pólvora, Sospecha de un Viaje ...
Three weeks ago I readthe review of Tom Holland's "Dominion"over athistoryforatheists.com. According to the reviewer, the thesis ofDominionis that: ... most of the things that we consider to be intrinsic and instinctive human values are actually nothing of the sort; they are primarily an...
The students are getting what you need them to get out of a quiz: that they don’t get it well enough. Being able to follow a storyline isn’t the same as being able to explain the story. These quizzes are an immediate reality check for students who might be overly confident before...
quiz 34–57 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar Spreckelmeyer et al., 2009 K.N. Spreckelmeyer, S. Krach, G. Kohls, L. Rademacher, A. Irmak, K. Konrad, T. Kircher, G. Grunder Anticipation of monetary and social reward differently activates mesolimbic brain structures in men and women Soc. ...