两篇Science 封面,都是通过新方法大幅提高传统工艺中的升降温速率,从而制备传统工艺不能制备的材料,或者解决传统工艺中的重大问题。不久前还有一个研究小组受到胡良兵教授团队2018年那篇Science 封面的启发,基于超快升温策略改进了石墨烯的制备方法,也收获了一篇Nature 论文(Nature,2020, 577, 647-651,点击阅读详细)。
两篇Science封面,都是通过新方法大幅提高传统工艺中的升降温速率,从而制备传统工艺不能制备的材料,或者解决传统工艺中的重大问题。不久前还有一个研究小组受到胡良兵教授团队2018年那篇Science封面的启发,基于超快升温策略改进了石墨烯的制备方法,也收获了一篇Nature论文(Nature,2020,577, 647-651,点击阅读详细)。这让...
Reinhold T, Shapiro A I, Solanki S K, et al. The Sun is less activethan other solar-like stars[J]. Science, 2020, 368(6490): 518-521.Santos ? R G, Mathur S. What future awaits the Sun?[J]. Science, 2020,368(6490): 466-467.(撰稿:闫丽梅/地星室)校对:张腾飞 ...
相关论文以题为“A general method to synthesize and sinter bulk ceramics in seconds”于2020年5月1日发表在Science上并被选为封面文章。论文链接 https://science.sciencemag.org/content/368/6490/521 为了进行这一过程,将陶瓷前驱体粉末直接夹在两个焦耳加热碳条之间,通过辐射和快速加热,诱导形成均匀的高温...
更多详细的研究细节,请阅读论文原文https://science./content/368/6490/521 。 通知 2020年5月,最近有3场3D打印直播值得关注,包括金属3D打印结合传统加工、3D打印鞋工厂围观、陶瓷3D打印。 观看渠道包括: ①“南极熊3D打印”抖音号nanjiiong3D(需要准时上抖音看) ...
超高加热速率和温度使烧结时间缩短为10s,远远超过大多数常规烧结。相关论文以题为“A general method to synthesize and sinter bulk ceramics in seconds”于2020年5月1日发表在Science上并被选为封面文章。 论文链接 https://science.sciencemag.org/content/368/6490/521...
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This chapter briefly traces the history of nature of science (NOS) orientations in science education, notes some differences in the way NOS is defined and in arguments used to justify its inclusion in the school science curriculum and acknowledges the ce
Elachi, Charles; , "Robotic space and earth science 2020," Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, 2008. IRMMW-THz 2008. 33rd International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1, 15-19 Sept. 2008 doi: 10.1109/ICIMW.2008.4665494 URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumb...
521 Office of International Science and Engineering (OISE)542–543 Office of Portfolio Analysis and Strategic Initiatives535 Office of Research Integrity (ORI)45 One-sample t-test397–400399b Open access model436 Open access publication161–163497 Open-mindedness52 Openness52 Ordinal variables95 Orphan...