2017年,DiRocco等人基于上海交通大学张万斌教授在手性双环咪唑骨架催化剂以及不对称磷酰化方面的工作,报道了一种手性双咪唑催化剂,高立体选择性地构建了手性膦酰胺前药(Science,2017,356, 426-430,点击阅读详细)。此外,Miller等人通过手性磷酸催化将亚磷酰胺立体发散性地转化为相应的P-手性寡核苷酸(Science,2021,371, ...
292,293,302,356 Dissolving microneedles An elegant strategy to decrease risk from intentional reuse of, or inadvertent contact with, used microneedles is for the sharps to dissolve in the skin with hydration, thus releasing the antigen.32,43,357–361 The most common matrix for dissolvable ...
Science, 356 (2017), pp. 493-494, 10.1126/science.aak9521 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar Sippula et al., 2007 O. Sippula, K. Hytönen, J. Tissari, T. Raunemaa, J. Jokiniemi The effect of wood fuel on the emissions from a top-feed pellet stove Energy Fuel., 21 (2007), pp....
The reliance on a solitary linear reference genome has imposed a significant constraint on our comprehensive understanding of genetic variation in animals. This constraint is particularly pronounced for non-reference sequences (NRSs), which have not been
Self-assembled architectures of soft matter have fascinated scientists for centuries due to their unique physical properties originated from controllable orientational and/or positional orders, and diverse optic and photonic applications. If one could kn
内容提供方:DKman_81 大小:30.01 MB 字数:约578.4万字 发布时间:2017-05-20发布于江苏 浏览人气:427 下载次数:仅上传者可见 收藏次数:0 需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) Materials Science and Engineering An Introduction工程材料科学资料.pdf ...
Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) develops on the mucosal epithelium of the oral cavity. It accounts for approximately 90% of oral malignancies and impairs appearance, pronunciation, swallowing, and flavor perception. In 2020, 377,713 OSCC cases were r
356 points 921180077 355 points 916180993 354 points 879181872 353 points 890182762 352 points 856183618 351 points 887184505 350 points 910185415 349 points 852186267 348 points 885187152 347 points 855188007 346 points 828188835 345 points 831189666 344 points 841190507 343 points 831191338 342 points ...
In recent years, nanomaterials have aroused extensive research interest in the world's material science community. Electrospinning has the advantages o
Science,2017,356, 426-430, DOI: 10.1126/science.aam7936 张万斌教授采访 X-MOL:您课题组之前在磷手性化合物方向做了哪些相关工作? 张万斌教授:众所周知,磷手性化合物在医药、农药以及催化剂等领域具有广泛而重要的应用价值。本课题组在2006年提出了利用手性叔胺催化不对称磷酰化反应的想法,并获得了一家日本企业...