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碳纳米管是目前替代硅材料的热门之选,一些有关的工作也时常见诸报道,比如加州大学伯克利分校Ali Javey教授的栅极长度仅有1纳米的晶体管(Science, 2016, 354, 99,),以及北京大学彭练矛-张志勇课题组的5纳米碳纳米管CMOS器件,将晶体管性能推至理论极限(Science,2017,355, 271,)。 不过,如果当前基于碳纳米管的晶体...
Lei团队报道了一种简单的氧化物纳米线批量制备技术,在不需要催化剂或者外部条件的情况下,直接将体相的合金材料转变为氧化物纳米线。(Science 2017, 355, 267-271.) 图17. 纳米线合成过程形貌 3. 二维材料 二维材料,是指电子仅可在两个维度的非纳米尺度(1-100nm)上自由运动(平面运动)的材料,如纳米薄膜、超晶...
北京大学彭练矛教授(左)和张志勇教授(右) 2017年1月20日,北京大学彭练矛-张志勇课题组在5nm碳纳米管CMOS器件重要研究成果在线发表在著名学术期刊《科学》(Science)上。 集成电路发展的基本方式在于,在晶体管尺寸缩减的前提下,研制性能更强大、集成度更高、功能更复杂的芯片。目前,主流CMOS(互补金属氧化物半导体)...
http://science.sciencemag.org/content/355/6322/271 (导读 宋伊梦) 本研究制备出5纳米栅长的碳纳米管场效应晶体管,其性能远优于同尺度的硅基CMOS器件:速度更快,工作电压更低,亚阈值斜率更小。其开关转换操作每次仅需1个电子,接近场效应晶...
Science 355, 1428–1433 (2017). This study highlights the central role of CD28 dephosphorylation in mediating the negative regulatory effect of PD1-mediated T cell inhibition. CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Parry, R. V. et al. CTLA-4 and PD-1 receptors inhibit T-cell activation...
218.1st Annual International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education (ICoMSE 2017) 217.2nd International Conference on Social, Economic and Academic Leadership (ICSEAL 2018) 216.Achieving and Sustaining SDGs 2018 Conference: Harnessing the Power of Frontier Technology to Achieve the Sustainable...
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Pre-mRNA is subsequently spliced into a matured mRNA, which is used as a template to translate into a protein (Merchante et al., 2017). Transcription factors (TFs) including transcriptional activators and repressors play essential roles in the initiation of transcription and often determine the ...
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