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Introduction The use of timber for cladding and other building functions was originally driven by a need to use what was locally available and affordable for the purpose, rather than any aesthetic, or other, consideration, and was therefore much more prevalent in forested regions. Before the adven...
The visualization and assessment of retinal microvasculature are important in the study, diagnosis, monitoring, and guidance of treatment of ocular and systemic diseases. With the introduction of optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA), it has become possible to visualize the retinal microvasculatur...
The chemical industry plays a key role in sustaining the world economy and underpinning future technologies, yet is under unprecedented pressure from the effects of globalization and change in many of its traditional markets. Against this background, what will be needed for the industry to embrace ...
In Kahlil Gibran: The Collected Works (2007), 204. Science quotes on: | Awe (43) | Conception (160) | Do (1905) | Firefly (8) | Measure (241) | Stand (284) | Sun (407) If one small and odd lineage of fishes had not evolved fins capable of bearing weight on land (though ...
Jackson, in xPharm: The Comprehensive Pharmacology Reference, 2007 Animal Models The hairless guinea pig is an animal model used for the study of contact dermatitis. These animals are used to study both immunologic and nonimmunologic contact reactions Miyauchi and Horio (1992). The castrated rat ...
There is also evidence that children and adults care that informants can accurately report their uncertainty (Bridgers et al., 2016; Tenney et al., 2007). So while declaring a question a mystery may be unacceptable in science, recognizing one's own ignorance could be a virtue. It remains ...