Ultimately, the movie showcases the versatility of animation's capability to convey complex themes and build unique character dynamics within the science fiction genre. Released: 1999 Directed by: Brad Bird Also ranks #3 on All Of Your Favorite Animated '90s Movies Not Made by Disney Als...
"Robocop" and "Aliens" were two of the biggest sci-fi movies of the 80s and they still stand the test of time (Image credit: The Nacelle Company) Synopsis: A series of light-hearted, hour-long documentaries that focus on the production history of some of pop-culture's favorite flicks....
Of all the movies that came out in the ’80s about humans in remote environments fighting for survival against malevolent alien lifeforms, John McTiernan’s ’roided-up actioner is easily the most straightforward. It has none of the intense paranoia of The Thing, nor the feminist underpinnings...
varied career, but to me he will always be Admiral Al Calavicci, the holographic observer from the cult 80s/90s sci-fi showQuantum Leap.Only the other weekI wrote about how I was such a big fan of this series as a teenager that my friend David Abbott and I made our own version of ...
which she uses to fend off monsters who invade from a frightening alternative dimension. The world of Hawkins, Indiana, is lovingly detailed for anyone in need of an '80s nostalgia hit and the misfit characters, played by a stellar young cast, are part of everything that makes this show a...
We’ve become so desensitized to violence (at least since the advent of 80s action flicks) that we just keep laughing during the movie’s multiple splatter-fests, especially the graphic visuals of soldiers having their skull and spine ripped from the rest of their body (video games are ...
Our heroes include a mystical astrophysicist with a touch of the action hero whose parents were killed in the first invasion, a by-the-book biologist, a paraplegic computer genius, and a conservative Native American military man. Yeah, it sounds like a hodgepodge of 80s TV show clichés, ...
In the Shadow of the Moon really knows how to pull the rug from under an audience, jumping between modern(ish) day and the late ’80s on the trail of a mysterious serial killer. It’s a detective mystery and a sci-fi thriller all rolled into one, and one that seeks to throw you ...
Night Court.NBC resurrectedNight Court, a staple of syndicated afternoon programming for my brother and me in the 80s and 90s. The new show followed the "rebootquel" format (or "legacy reboot") in which new characters are thrust into the same setting/world as a popular intellectual property...
Besides being a movie unlike anything anyone had seen before at the time of its release (thanks to its then-cutting edge tech and striking digital effects), this iconic '90s flick blends everything great you could think of: kung fu, action, virtual reality (even Keanu Reeves!). WATCH NOW...