There exists an important lexical cohesion technique in sci - tech English text development. 科技英语篇章发展过程中存在一种重要的词汇衔接手段,这就是名词(或名词短语)的重复. 互联网 SCI is the latest sources of sci - tech information in the world. ...
There are two schools of thought on the ethical price of sci-tech activities,which can be labeled as "sci-tech liberalism" and "sci-tech conservatism" respectively. 如何看待科技活动的伦理代价,它可以区分为科技自由主义与科技保守主义两种基本不同的态度;两者之间的张力经常造成我们选择的困境,并且难以坚...
He is interested in reading articles on sci-tech innovation.(他喜欢阅读有关科技创新的文章。)The sci-fi movie has gained popularity among young people.(科幻电影在年轻人中间越来越受欢迎。)四、充分全面的决策参考:由于“sci”是“science”的缩写形式,通常只用于科学期刊的标题缩写等特定...
This paper introduces the necessary conditions of network video development, introduces in detail the production method of sci-tech network video programs, and expounds some problems needing attentions in the production of sci-tech programs. 简单介绍了网络视频化发展的必要条件,详细介绍了科技网络视频节...
原文链接: 记者:闫东洁播报:Corrie Knight音频编辑:于涵 【背景阅读】《中国科技期刊发展蓝皮书(2023)》发布 - 新华网 更多全部 ...
原文链接:【背景阅读】为推动科技进步努力贡献青年智慧——习近平总书记给中国国际大学生创新大赛参赛学生代表的回信凝聚科技创新的青春力量 - 新华网
SCI-TECH主题语境:人与自然 — —环境保护 Words:about380 Time:5.5minutes难易度★★★☆☆语篇导读:上网Your Internet Habits Are Not as习惯的改变也能为节能减排作贡献。Clcan as You Think It's probable you've already replied to phones. “If everybody. a couple of emails today and sent some ...
【双语听读】Zhengzhou pursues sci-tech innovation 挺进新高地,科创“郑”当时 原创 点击蓝字关注☞ WhereZhengzhou 2023-03-15 16:49 河南 963rd article 第963期双语推文NB: This may not be a word-for-word transcript. Spring...
1) sci-tech education courses 科技课程 2) science and technology writing curriculum 科技写作课程 1. This paper is inverstigated with the actuality of Henan privince four agricultural universityscience and technology writing curriculum,analyses and presents the suggest of impormation. ...