SCI-hub 这个几乎是所有科研狗的必备武器,可以免费下载海量的文献,就是容...
对于科研论文,主要下载途径是Sci-hub。由于版权问题,该网站时常无法访问。以下为一些镜像站,可稳定使用:sci-hub proxy: sci-hub links 2020 download, chrome extension Sci-Hub journal: latest sci-hub mirror links sci-hub proxy search links 以上是我总结的几种下载...
sci-hub proxy search links removing barriers in the way of science 使用Sci-hub的正确使用方法: 1、操作方法 进入Sci-Hub 进入主页,提示可以通过 URL、DOI、PMID 以及字符串进行检索。 Sci-Hub 官网截图 通过PubMed 或 Web of Science检索,可以比较方便地找到较常使...
Explore the revolutionary world of Sci-Hub, an online repository providing free access to over 88 million scientific articles. Learn about its mission, proxy service, search engine, and the countries benefiting most from its resources.
"The impact factor (IF) of an academic journal is a measure reflecting the average number of citations to recent articles published in that journal. It is frequently used as a proxy for the relative importance of a journal within its field, with journals with higher impact factors deemed to...
网址二: 网址三:输入GitHub链接即可) 谷歌搜索镜像 网址一: 谷歌学术搜索镜像 网址一: 网址二: 网址三: ...
sci-hub proxy search links Sci-hub使用方法主要有以下三种:使用PubMed号下载论文:在PubMed查到的每篇文献都有其独特的PubMed号,如PMID。将PMID输入Sci-hub网站,点击“OPEN”按钮,即可下载PDF文件。使用DOI号下载论文:在其他数据库查找的论文...
sci-hub proxy search links 最近,Sci-Hub创始人Alexandra Elbakyan发布推文称自己更新了Sci...
Building on our c10 measure at the paper level, here we further calculate the average c10 (<c10>) for each author and affiliation, which offers a proxy to individual and institutional level scientific impact. Similarly, we calculate the average logc10 (<logc10>), which is closely related to...
"The impact factor (IF) of an academic journal is a measure reflecting the average number of citations to recent articles published in that journal. It is frequently used as a proxy for the relative importance of a journal within its field, with journals with higher impact factors deemed to...