SCI indexed journal list: common journal with SCI indexed: PATTERN RECOGN 0031-3203 7498 2.019 IEEE T PATTERN ANAL 0162-8828 16492 3.579 PATTERN RECOGN LETT 0167-8655 2748 0.853 PATTERN ANAL APPL 1433-7541 246 0.515 INT J PATTERN ...
Could you provide the latest journal list in SCI for the year 2025 ? Certainly, You can get the latest SCI Indexed Journals 2025 list that is suitable for your research topic and research domain. Since there are several journals under various domains, it is very difficult to get the entire...
在期刊页面,查看“Web of Science Categories”栏目,若该期刊被SCI收录,页面会显示其对应的SCI类别代码,比如“Engineering, Electrical & Electronic”或“Materials Science, Multidisciplinary”。最后,在“Master Journal List”页面的“Indexed in”栏目中,可以查看该期刊是否被SCI、SSCI、AHCI等数据库...
最后,你可以在“Master Journal List”页面上查看期刊的“Indexed in”(收录于)栏目,该栏目列出了该...
Clarivate是这样回答我们的:“If concerns are raised regarding an indexed journal, either by users or through monitoring by our in-house editors, the journal will be re-evaluated according to our selection criteria. Where significant concerns are raised about the quality of the content published by ...
• Partially Indexed指部分被收录检索。 • Accepted指被Web of Science核心收录 值得注意的是,期刊更名后,前期刊名称在Master Journal List中已经无法搜到,大家不需要惊慌,搜索更新后的期刊名称即可。 1 SCIE更名期刊详情 图片来源:欧亚科睿学术整理
BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL, a comprehensive biotechnology publication, offers a platform for novel research and methodologies. Indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded, it boasts a 2019 Journal Citation Reports impact factor of 3.543. It accepts primary research articles, including Research ...
this journal has been indexed in SCI without being placed on the warning list in the 2021 edition. Furthermore, BEHAVIORAL AND BRAIN SCIENCES is accessible through multiple databases including Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, and more.
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science Edition is an interdisciplinary journal focusing on nano materials, advanced composites, cementitious materials, and metallic materials, to promote innovations on materials science. Indexed in Web of Science’s Sources Citation Index Expension(SCIE...
JournalsIndexedinSCI:ACaseStudyofNature”.Ihavenotyetreceivedareplyandam wonderingwhetheryouhavereachedadecision.Iwouldbegreatlyappreciatedifyoucould spendsomeofyourtimecheckthestatusforme.WithbestregardsSincerelyyours SCI投稿---稿件状态咨询信四个范例 范例一(推荐): 邮件标题:Inquireaboutthestatusofmanuscript(No...