现对2023年SCI/SSCI期刊变化情况进行全面统计,2023年1月至12月以来,剔除SCI/SSCI期刊78本,更名SCI/SSCI期刊42本,总体SCI/SSCI期刊变化为120本,其中3月变化最大,当月期刊变化数为50本,具体统计数据及各月变化如下: 2023年1月份 期刊信息变更 美国时间1月17日更新的Journal List中,SCIE/SSCI期刊数据库剔除(Dropped...
现对2023年SCI/SSCI期刊变化情况进行全面统计,2023年1月至12月以来,剔除SCI/SSCI期刊78本,更名SCI/SSCI期刊42本,总体SCI/SSCI期刊变化为120本,其中3月变化最大,当月期刊变化数为50本,具体统计数据及各月变化如下: http://weixin.qq.com/r/EBCGnuzEubHGraj990UC (二维码自动识别) 2023年1月份期刊信息变更 美国...
offering new opportunities to study scientific production and use at larger scales and finer resolution than previously possible. Fuelled in part by the increasing availability of large-scale datasets, the science of science community turns scientific methods on science itself1,2,3...
网址:https://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/abn/ 2023年2月份 期刊信息变更 美国时间2月22日更新的Journal List中,SCIE/SSCI期刊数据库剔除(Dropped)或停止检索(Ceased)了12本期刊,有8本期刊是信息更改。期刊变更信息如下。 2月份被踢期刊信息 2月有4本期刊被剔除SCIE/SSCI数据库: 01 HELGOLAND MARINE RESEARCH ...
JSciMed Central JSM Computer Science & Engineering Latest Medical Journals. Open Access International Journal Computer Science and Engineering pdf.
The science of science has attracted growing research interests, partly due to the increasing availability of large-scale datasets capturing the innerworkings of science. These datasets, and the numerous linkages among them, enable researchers to ask a r
Big Data Mining and Analyticsis indexed and abstracted in ESCI, EI, Scopus, DBLP Computer Science, Google Scholar, INSPEC, CSCD, DOAJ and CNKI.
Accepted papers will be published in PRAI 2023 Conference Proceedings, and submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore and indexed by EI Compendex & Scopus. Selected papers will be recommended to the following SCI journals after extension ( will submit for SCI, Scopus, INSPEC). ...
Section3. Landscape Research (Journals x2) Section4. Design Research (Journals x3) ∨ Elsevier-爱思唯尔出版社 官网链接:https://www.elsevier.com/ Elsevier,全球权威且领先的学术期刊/书籍出版社之一,旗下基于不同学科与研究主题收录整合大量优质期刊,广大学者通过线上Elsevier-ScienceDirect平台也可以搜索关键...
The American Journal of Applied Sciences, a peer-reviewed, open-access international scientific journal, is dedicated to the monthly publication of superior research and review articles encompassing a variety of topics related to applied science - a discipline which makes vital contributions to technology...