爱思唯尔公司(Elsevier)、印度威立公司(Wiley India)和美国化学协会在印度德里高等法院起诉科学论文网站Sci-Hub和LibGen版权侵权取得新进展。 在2020年12月举行的首次庭审中,尽管法院责令Sci-Hub停止未经授权上传出版商的内容,但允许Sci-Hub保留现有链接。免费全文获取平台LibGen未出庭。 印度科学与学术界发现他们的研究...
Sci-Hub is being sued by Elsevier, again, this time in India. Two other large publishers are also on the suit. Sci-Hub has been getting sued in lots of Western countries over the past 6 years and losing default judgments because they didn’t really defend. In India, they have a better...
113% increase in harmful speech in November 2024, coinciding with the Sri Lankan parliamentary election held on 14 Novem February 26, 2025 1 min read EU gives EUR1.3mn to build crisis preparedness in Sri Lanka, Maldives REDEFINE project will address drivers of conflict linked to the environmen...
Last, it’s higher-stakes than normal, because in India the plaintiffs have requested a dynamic injunction. This is a recent legal mechanism that would let the plaintiffs obtain court injunctions against ISPs serving any Sci-Hub domain with very little effort on very short notice. This might ...
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This morning, Sci-Hub founder Alexandra Elbakyan informed us that Twitter has suspended the site’s official account, which had over 185k followers and operated without notable issues for nine years. Elbakyan believes that it may be directly related to the legal action in India. + “It happen...
The Swedish domain sci-hub.se used to work to unlock Sci Hub. In October 2020 it no longer works. There are alternative sci-hub links on this page.