Reddit 上有一个 badscificover 的版块,专门用于收集难看或者匪夷所思的科幻小说封面,目前点赞最高的是雷·布拉德伯里 的一本选集的封面。 回头我把超新星纪元的封面,还有三体韩国版搬过...
AboutMe Hi! I’m Kit, a blogger who loves reading, writing, and rambling. Specifically, rambling about fantasy/paranormal/sci-fi books, games, podcasts, and other media I love, especially lesser-known and indie things that deserve more attention. ...
Living the write life. My name is Scott Elliott and Mile 29 is where I share my journey of writing and life. Writing and telling stories has been a passion of mine since I was young. Few things are better than growing with a character and living a life o
Reviews: “Bird’s writing gets too caught up in exposition, especially in the third act, as connections need to be explained. However, the answers aren’t all that interesting, and it doesn’t help to have Meyers basically sleepwalking through the movie, showing very little inter...
Scifi Writing Groups I am part of a once a month online SFF writing group–just four of us. I’d love to start up another group or join a local DAYTON group sometime. I would also love to start teaching an after-school program for teens to write science fiction and fantasy. I have...
Reddit Twitter YouTube Discord Patreon RogueBasin (essentially the same info seen above)For reference the old 7DRL thread can be found here. « Last Edit: September 15, 2020, 04:17:07 am by Kyzrati » Logged Cogmind - Sci-fi Roguelike (devblog) | X@COM - The X-COM RL | REX...
As a Buffy fan, you enjoyed the BIG BAD for an entire season, BIG BADS like Spike and Drusilla, Glory, The Mayor and The First. Buffy also scored with great writing, some really memorable episodes and characters as well. Who can forget the timid and nerdy Willow growing into a powerful...
Hello! The Eye-Dancers and its sequel, The Singularity Wheel, are Young Adult sci-fi/fantasy novels, available in both a digital (e-book) and a hard-copy (paperback) format. As the author, I have decided to create this little space on the Web. It is
It was renowned for its exceptional writing and high production values, with guest stars frequently appearing in episodes to keep the show fresh and appealing. The wagon train is considered one of the most prosperous Westerns of its time. ...
Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) More Loading... Posted in Personal and tagged challenges, changes, life, Music, observations, people, pregnancy, reflections, travel, work, writing on 24 April, 2017. 2 Comments “…And because there is nowhere to go but everywhere, keep ro...