It makes Childhood's End seem a bit immature in comparison, and evokes that strange concept of deep space that was prevalent in the 50s and in the early Star Trek series which seems to be out of fashion more recently. - @RichardLitt Description Clarke’s masterful evocation of the far ...
I don't know a lot about the production history ofThe Expanse. I know it moved from SyFy to Amazon with Season 4, and that the 6th season was only 6 episodes (for comparison, Season 2 contained 13 episodes). Further, the number of sets and scope of those sets are greatly reduced whe...
Tags Calculations Engine Sci-fi Thrust Thrust force In summary, a technical manual is being written for a starship in a science-fiction series. The ship's sub-light engines are capable of a maximum speed of 15,000 km/s (0.05c) and require 18,750 teraNewtons of thrust to achieve this ...
This is hard sci-fi. There are no cute furry Ewoks, there is no “villain”, there are only glimmers of heroics. This is a dystopian future brought to you by the once-brilliant director George Lucas, unhampered by his own commercial drives. This is as pure a vision as it gets. One ...
“While the Wassel’s script is nearly dialogue-free, the art is complemented by large and intentionally intrusive onomatopoeic words, and the result is a book that defies comparison to anything else I’ve read in recent years.”– ...
“While the Wassel’s script is nearly dialogue-free, the art is complemented by large and intentionally intrusive onomatopoeic words, and the result is a book that defies comparison to anything else I’ve read in recent years.”– ...
Tagged: 3D, 3D rendering, blue, cathode ray tube, color, comparison, constant movement, control room, cyan, desk, direct manipulation, disambiguation, finger press, flight control, flying, green, icon, interaction design, light, lighting, map, missing information, motion cue, navigating, pink, ...
between is most intensely seen in Homelander (the Superman of this series, but without the Man of Steel’s perfect moral compass and stoic Midwestern calm,) but even Noir (the Batman of the group) is intended to make Bruce Wayne seem like a well-adapted beacon of light by comparison. ...
and seeing the original killer now become the saviour and trying to learn human emotions puts a very different spin on the film in comparison to the first. The ending may be the perfect swansong for the franchise. Forget any of the sequels that followed; this is the quintessential Terminator...
“Exactly. I used to love the thrill and danger of the ER, but it just doesn’t have that appeal anymore.” She laughed grimly. “I guess a broken arm pales in comparison to raiding Society bases.” They fell silent for a moment as they came to a stop on the path, both simply wa...