The Sci-Fi character name Generator will help you name the human characters in your science fiction stories or games. Maybe ideal for random bridge officers on your spaceship? Or space marines? Or NPCs that you can meet in a bar an alien planet? Names generated here come from a big list ...
Forthose looking to immerse themselves in the world ofSteampunkor seeking inspiration for character names, a Steampunk Name Generator can be a valuable tool. Thesevirtual resources incorporate Steampunk elements and concepts to produce monikers that embody theessence of the genre, making them ideal ...
• The characters must be your own design and not based on any character that might be copyrighted in any way. • Please keep all submissions PG13: full or partial nudity is prohibited. • I have the right to delete any post that I believe crosses this line without warning. ...
Welcome to the officialEaters of the Lightglossary. Herein you’ll find descriptions and blurbs for every major character, place, historical event, and technological advancement appearing in the Eaters of the Light book series. This appendix is for all the folks who’ve read the booksANDfor thos...
(through a character saying so or other AIs in the diegesis behaving differently)audiences may rightly infer thattheAI is representative ofitsclass.Demon Seedweakly implies that all AIs are just going to be evil and do horrible things to people, and get out, humanity, while you can. Which ...
cp <- CoordinateProvider$new() CoordinateProvider #> <CoordinateProvider> object generator #> Public: #> lon: function () #> lat: function () #> position: function (bbox = NULL) #> clone: function (deep = FALSE) #> Private: #> rnd: function () #> coord_in_bbbox: function (b...
Additionally, I may have a lead on a 3D scanner capable of scanning the character, creature, and robot miniatures. I’m in the process of testing it out and figuring out how best to prepare the miniatures for scanning. The bare metal reflects the laser and gives bad readings. We’ve tri...