安装完成后,可进行文献检索,在所有存在DOI号的地方均可自动加载此脚本,表现为可以看到黄色button。单击即可打开全文,或者左键按住并向右拖拽,即可在新标签页打开全文。 6 未被收录的专业文献 如果说有的专业的文献看的人比较少,还没有被Sci-bub button收录,没有关系,可以自主添加想要这个button自动出现的网站,具体操...
2,安装sci-hub button,安装完成tampermonkey后,点击tampermonkey,获取新脚本,或者直接在油猴官网 ,搜索sci-hub button(注意显示所有语言结果),即可下载安装。我们也可以直接百度sci-hub button,就有安装链接。(我这里已经安装过,所以是重装) 3,修改链接,由于最近sci-hub网址更新,(最新sci-hub地址: ),sci-hub.tw已经...
OPT is a machine vision components and softwares supplier for factory automation. It has quickly developed to become a leader in the machine vision industry.
下载地址:SciHub-Spider-update-1.6.7PS: 软件使用后会在桌面上放一张求打赏的微信二维码图片,如果...
Quick Look JiroCraft 2D Sci-Fi Button 1 (not enough ratings) $5.99 Add to Cart Quick Look JiroCraft 2D RPG Button 5 (not enough ratings) $5.99 Add to Cart Quick Look JiroCraft 2D RPG Button 6 (not enough ratings) $5.99 Add to Cart ...
Button style Calendar Calendar Rule Campaign Campaign Activity Campaign Activity Item Campaign Item Campaign Response Capacity Profile Case Case Enrichment Case follow up and closure configuration Case Resolution Case Suggestion Case Suggestion Request Payload Case Suggestions Data Souce Case Topic Case topic ...
7、“Save and Continue” at the bottom of each screen in order to save all of your work. Ifyou press the "Back" or "Forward" button on your browseryour work will not be saved. 继续时选择保存和继续,如果点击back或者forward,原来输入的内容会消失。
Effortlessly access academic papers from Sci-Hub or any compatible research database at the click of a button or via a customizable hotkey. Optimize your research workflow, eliminate friction, and reclaim valuable time by accessing scholarly resources directly and efficiently. Focus on what matters ...
Effortlessly access academic papers from Sci-Hub or any compatible research database at the click of a button or via a customizable hotkey. Optimize your research workflow, eliminate friction, and reclaim valuable time by accessing scholarly resources directly and efficiently. Focus on what matters ...
网址:https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/370246-sci-hub-button 安装之后就可以实现开篇所说的功能了。 功能介绍 1、在文献页面上添加 Sci-hub 按钮,可以直接跳转到下载页面。如下图所示。 在文献链接后添加 Sci-hub 按钮,可以直接跳转到下载页面。