6. Rejected/Minor revision/Major revision/re-submission Rejected 就不用多说了,编辑根据审稿人的意见决定拒稿。 另外就是小修/大修(Minor revision/Major revision)。当稿件投递之后收到的结果是大修或者小修,那么就说明稿件的内容得到期刊的认可,但还存在部分的问题。 Re-submission 一般说明需要大修,而且修改稿再...
点评内容:真的爱惨了这个期刊,2023年即将毕业,却还没有文章,2月3号投稿,reviewers assigned2.7,under review2.7,major revision2.26,revision submitted3.3,editor assigned3.4,under review3.5,accept3.13。感觉心软审稿人和编辑。速度很快。IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT 研究方向:工程技术 工程:...
关于SCI投稿流程,以下正确的是 ( ) A. New Submission →Under Review→With Editor→Required Review Completed→Decision in Process→Minor Revision/Major Revision/Reject and Resubmit/Reject→Accept B. New Submission →With Editor→ Under Review→Required Review Completed→Decision in Process→Minor Revision...
如果投稿一篇SCI论文收到需要大修(major revision)的审稿意见,先不要慌,只要不是直接拒稿那就说明编辑和审稿人觉得你的文章还是很有魅力的。 但有些小伙伴收到大修意见后会直接崩溃,不想再修改,想直接改投其他期刊。小编建议小伙伴们先不要...
Revision". Under "Actions", click on "Create a Revision". Your manuscript number has been ...
文章来源:https://www.qsyhq.com/qctg/968.html 收到了“major revision”,还能顺利发表吗? https://www.qsyhq.com/qctg/969.html 国自然评审专家 https://www.qsyhq.com/biaoshu/970.html
We have studied reviewer’s comments carefully and have made revision which marked in red in the paper. We have tried our best to revise our manuscript according to the comments. Attached please find the revised version, which we would like to submit for your kind consideration. ...
From a professional point of view, do you think there is any need to modify the above content? Be careful not to modify the whole text, you need to point out the places that need to be modified one by one, and give revision opinions and recommended revision content.(你现在扮演一个+(...
LZ投的是Mathmatic problem或者Discrete dynamic?
Be careful not to modify the whole text, you need to point out the places that need to be modified one by one, and give revision opinions and recommended revision content.(你现在扮演一个+(研究的领域)领域的专家,从专业的角度,您认为上面这些内容是否有需要修改的地方?注意,不要全文修改,您需要一...