其中有5项是必填项,分别是:Cover letter(给编辑的信)、Highlight(文章要点)、Manuscript(正文)、Credit Author Statement(成员分工声明)、Declaration of Interest Statement(利益相关声明);另外还有一些选填项,我每次都填的有3项:Figure(图列表)、Table(表列表)和Graphical Abstract (图摘要)。 下面我就详细介绍一下...
letters are dedicated to small pilot/feasibility studies and/or preliminary data. They must not exceed 500 words, 5 references and 1 figure or table. However, ESM are accepted, should you need to develop certain aspects of your letter. ...
其中有5项是必填项,分别是:Cover letter(给编辑的信)、Highlight(文章要点)、Manuscript(正文)、Credit Author Statement(成员分工声明)、Declaration of Interest Statement(利益相关声明);另外还有一些选填项,我每次都填的有3项:Figure(图列表)、Table(表列表)和Graphical Abstract (图摘要)。 下面我就详细介绍一下...
The text of your abstract and manuscript body must be formatted as standard letter size paper (8.50 x 11 inches).4)要求文稿需要在右上角添加页码。All manuscript pages must be numbered consecutively in the upper right corner (text and references).5)该杂志采用双盲审稿形式,文稿中可以识别的作者...
撰写论文用纸,世界上绝大多数国家使用标准的 A4 纸张,但北美是个例外,采用 Letter 纸张。两者大小有所差异,A4 为(宽×长)21.0 × 29.7 厘米(8.3 × 11.7英寸);Letter 为 21.6 × 27.9 厘米(8.5 × 11英寸)。 由于纸张大小不一,页边距也不同。Letter 默认四周边距为 2.54 厘米(1英寸);A4 默认上下边距为 ...
27、essor),),职称不能作论文署名用职称不能作论文署名用a cover letter/letter to the editors: 附信附信a running head / title: 页眉标题,约页眉标题,约5个英文单词个英文单词投稿常用术语投稿常用术语 legends: 插图说明,应与插图分开,另页打印插图说明,应与插图分开,另页打印 unmounted prints: 不加装帧...
6.5 Acover letter/letter to the editors:附信。 6.6 Arunning head/title:页眉标题,约5个英文单词。 6.7 Unmounted prints:不加装帧的照片。 6.8 Hardcopy: 硬文本,即打印或复印文本,按编辑部要求提供印数。 6.9 Double spacing:双行(打印),即送审的英文稿件要以空两行的格式打印。
6.5 Acover letter/letter to the editors:附信。 6.6 Arunning head/title:页眉标题,约5个英文单词。 6.7 Unmounted prints:不加装帧的照片。 6.8 Hardcopy: 硬文本,即打印或复印文本,按编辑部要求提供印数。 6.9 Double spacing:双行(打印),即送审的英文稿件要以空两行的格式打印。
第一篇发表在FitoterapiaCover letterDear Editor Verotta:We would like to submit the manuscr 2、ipt entitled "xxxxx题目":by xxxxx所有作者姓名 which we wish to be considered for publication in Journal of Fitoterapia.All authors have read and approved this versi on of the article, and due care ...
6.5 Acover letter/letter to the editors:附信。 6.6 Arunning head/title:页眉标题,约5个英文单词。 6.7 Unmounted prints:不加装帧的照片。 6.8 Hardcopy: 硬文本,即打印或复印文本,按编辑部要求提供印数。 6.9 Double spacing:双行(打印),即送审的英文稿件要以空两行的格式打印。