1NATURE REVIEWS IMMUNOLOGY 总被引频次:42,168 影响因子:40.358 2IMMUNITY 总被引频次:54,819 影响因子:22.553 3NATURE IMMUNOLOGY 总被引频次:44,709 影响因子:20.479 4Annual Review of Immunology 总被引频次:17,080 影响因子:19.900 5Lancet HIV 总被引频次:3,301 影响因子:14.813 6IMMUNOLO...
1、NATURE REVIEWS IMMUNOLOGY 学科领域: 大类:医学 小类:免疫学 中科院分区:1区 影响因子:108.555 期刊简介:Immunology is a diverse and growing discipline that can be defined as the study of the tissues, cells and molecules involved in host defence mechanisms. Immunologists attempt to understand how th...