Calculate the Schwarzschild radius for a 5 {eq}M_{Sun} {/eq} black hole that formed in the supernova of a massive star. Schwarzschild Radius: The Schwarzschild radius is a property of a black hole, and describes the distance from the black hole w...
The Schwarzschild metric has singularities at r = 0 and r = 2GM/c2. Are either of these singularities properties of the coordinate mesh or are they intrinsic physical properties of the black hole? The Schwarzschild radius is certainly physically significant, but we will learn that it is not ...
In the same year he published a paper giving a lower limit for the radius of curvature of space as 2500 light years. He also worked on radiation pressure from the sun and, with the assumption that the tails of comets consisted of spherical particles which reflected light well, he calculated...
(22), the radius of parti- cle orbit r (γ ) = r (φ) must be determined. In principle, the exact value of r (γ ) can be calculated by solving the trajec- tories of null geodesics. However, the purpose of Gibbons and Werner's approach is to calculate the deflection angle ...
From the obtained results, the Schwarzschild static cosmological model for the solar system is proposed, establishing the Schwarzschild cosmological radius and the curvature limit of the solar system. From the curvature limit, different regions are proposed for the planets, exoplanets,...
We further analyse the effective potential and specific angular momentum and energy of the particles. Furthermore, we show that the upper limit for magnetic interaction parameter 𝛽β increases with increasing cyclotron frequency 𝜔BωB, while the radius of the innermost stable circular orbit (...
where L represents the AdS radius. Due to the rotational symmetry in the two models studied in this and the next sections, it is convenient to adopt the polar coordinates, (𝜌ρ, 𝜙ϕ), in the (𝑥,𝑦)(x,y) plane, and to rewrite the above metric to be 𝑑𝑠2=𝐿2−...