BLACK-HOLE EVAPORATIONDAMOUR-RUFFINISTATEPARTICLES考虑Schwarzschild和Kerr-Newman黑洞的度规场和电磁场张量,研究了落入黑洞的物理粒子.得出结论:任何物理粒子落入Schwarzschild或Kerr-Newman黑洞的演化过程要满足δA≥0和δκ≤0两个条件,得出了不能通过有限次操作使Kerr-Newman黑洞的温度降低到绝对零度,从而变成极端Kerr-...
Hawking radiation can be viewed as a process of quantum tunnelling near black hole horizon. When a particle with angular momentum tunnels across the event horizon of Schwarzschild black hole, the black hole will change into a Kerr black hole. The emission rate of the massless particles with angu...
ds spacenew SchwarzschildKerr-Newman-likeWhen $\\Lambda$ is the cosmological constant about $\\left(g^{hetaheta}ight)^{2}$\\cite{3}. We assume that both the macroscopic system and the microscopic sySocial Science Electronic Publishing
The calculation of horizon's local angular velocity induced in the Schwarzschild black hole by the Kerr constituent yields a simple expression inversely proportional to the square of the distance parameter.V.DepartamentoS.DepartamentoMankoDepartamento...
Schwarzschild black hole levitating in the hyperextreme Kerr fieldMankoV. S.RuizE.GENERAL RELATIVITY AND GRAVITATION -LONDON THEN DORDRECHT-
The balance occurs due to frame-dragging exerted by the latter source on the black-hole constituent, thus giving rise to a non-zero horizon's angular velocity parallel to the angular momentum of the Kerr object.V. S. MankoE. RuizMexican Meeting on Mathematical and Experimental Physics...
We propose the new derivation of the Kerr solution by adding to the Schwarzchild black hole the solitonic vortex made from the pure gravitational field. With this method, we can figure out how rotational energy can contribute to the mass of the resulting Kerr black hole. This suggests a new...
Two-particle collisions close to the horizon of a rotating non-extremal Kerr black hole and a Schwarzschild black hole are analyzed. For the case of multiple collisions, it is shown that high energy in the center-of-mass frame occurs due to a great relative velocity of two particles and a...
B. K. El-Menoufi, Quantum gravity of Kerr-Schild spacetimes and the logarithmic correction to Schwarzschild black hole entropy, arXiv:1511.08816 [hep-th].B. K. El-Menoufi, "Quantum gravity of Kerr-Schild spacetimes and the logarithmic correction to Schwarzschild black hole entropy," JHEP ...
For this purpose, the Schwarzschild and Kerr black hole metrics are considered. Using the Mei symmetries criterion, we obtained four Mei symmetries for the Lagrangian of Schwarzschild and Kerr black hole metrics. The results reveal that, in the case of the Schwarzschild metric, the obtained Mei ...