Rokeach 根据其价值观理论开发了《Rokeach价值观调查表》(Rokeach Value Survey ,RVS,1973)。该量表将 18 项终极性价值观和 18 项工具性价值观以价值观标志词形式提供给被试,每个词汇后面以括号中的词语或短语进行解释,请被试根据其对自己生活的重要程度分别对两类价值观进行排序。许多心理学家利用 RVS 进行了价值...
El cuestionario de valores de Schwartz (CVS): propuesta de adaptación en el formato de respuesta Schwartz Value Survey (SVS): Adaptation of its response formatResumenEl objetivo de este estudio fue comprobar la posibilidad de simplificar el formato de contestacion del Cuestionario de Valores de ...
and do lots of number crunching. The Heritage Institute uses a completely different methodology, one that ranks many countries far differently than the Cato/Fraser survey. Yet they also put Singapore number two. If Singapore is such a libertarian horrorshow, as you suggest, why would two...
COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act): The First Year--A Survey of Sites. A Report on Web Site Compliance. The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) went into effect on April 21, 2000. The first Federal online privacy law, COPPA regulates the collecti... Washington,...