Unlike NF2, schwannomatosis is classified as a very rare tumor syndrome which is described as multiple schwannoma lesions without the existence of bilateral vestibular schwannoma. A 58-year-old male presented with complaint of weakness in his arm and leg and was unable to walk for 3 months. ...
9] reported two cases of pelvic schwannomas located in the broad ligament, with the clinical expression of a broad-ligament myoma. Schwannoma extending from the umbilical region to the mid-thigh, compressing the major vessels of the right leg: a case report and review of the literature The ...
They commonly saw in the head and neck, rarely from deep peroneal nerve in the lower limb. We present a case of 42-year-old active national hockey coach, who presented with mild pain and numbness over lateral aspect of left leg for 2 years. The pain was provoked by sporting activities,...
A multicentre retrospective review of muscle necrosis of the leg following spinal surgery with motor evoked potential monitoring: a cause for concern? 2016, European Spine Journal Lithotomy-related neurovascular complications in the lower limbs after colorectal surgery 2011, Colorectal Disease Lower extremit...
As time went on, there was a lump in the fold of the right knee, suspected to be a Baker's cyst. As time went by, the complaint was burning pain in the right instep to the lateral ankle and distal right lower leg, disturbing sleep. Tinel's sign was positive. Th...
Atypical appearance of a schwannoma in the thoracic spine mimicking meningiomadoi:10.1016/j.spinee.2016.02.054SDOSSpine Journal
The abnormalty became clinically apparant 9 months after the administration of STZ, a potential carcinogen, by the presence of an abdominal mass and paralysis of a back leg. Immunohistochemistry revealed that the character of the growth was compatible with that of a malignant peripheral nerve sheath...
Compared to LEGATOSETM the LEGTOSFP-PP permits high spatial resolution assessment of low-level vascular permeability within the normal-appearing brain. (B) Correlation between mean NAGM/NAWM Ktrans and VS volume. Top row: correlation between average VS volume and mean NAGM (left)/NAWM (right...