Hadamard逐项乘积与Schur定理 设A,B \in \mathbb{F}^{m\times n} ,则 A\circ B = (A\otimes B)[\mathcal{I,J}] ,其中 \mathcal{I} = \{ \alpha+(\alpha-1)m : 1\leq \alpha\leq m\}, \mathcal{J} = \{ \beta+(\beta-1)n : 1\leq \beta\leq n\} 。立得 \operatorname{...
系统标签: 等式 矩阵 乘积 正定 hadamard schur 纯粹数学与应用数学Purepplied11正定矩阵Hadamard乘积的Schur(11莆田学院数学系,莆田351100;21集美大学计算科学与应用物理系,厦门361021)adamard乘积的等式成立的充要条件,从而得到了由王伯英和Markham给出的正定矩adamard乘积的Schuadamard乘积;正定矩阵;Schu逆矩阵;等式条件...
We established Schur (S), Hermite-Hadamard (HH), and Fej茅r (F) type inequalities for introduced class of convex functions. The results presented in this paper extend and generalize many existing results of the literature.doi:10.1155/2022/8575563Ma, Yi...
半正定矩阵Kronecker积的伪Schur补的几点注记_楼嫏嬛 星级: 8 页 亚半正定矩阵的广义Schur补的Lwner偏序 星级: 3 页 半正定矩阵Hadamard积的不等式 星级: 3 页 广义Schur补与Khatri-Rao积(英文) 星级: 5 页 广义Hadamard积 星级: 2 页 广义Schur 补的广义逆 星级: 4 页 广义Schur补的广义逆 ...
The componentwise product of matrices is called theHadamard productor sometimes theSchur product. Given twombynmatricesAandB, the Hadamard product ofAandB, writtenA∘B, is thembynmatrixCwith elements given by cij=aijbij. Because the Hadamard product hardly uses the linear structure of a matrix,...
利用半正定矩阵的性质和矩阵Moore-Penrose广义逆的特性研究半正定矩阵Hadamard积与Kronecker积的广义Schur补问题.得到了有关半正定矩阵Hadamard积与Kronecker积的广义Schur补的几个不等式和等式.将其Hadamard积与Kronecker积的Schur补结果推广到广义Schur补,并减弱了其约束条件. 关键词: Moore-Penrose广义逆 半正定矩阵 广义...
amard积与Kronecker积的广义Schur补问题。得到了有关半正定矩阵Hadamard积与 Kronecker积的广义Schur补的几个不等式和等式。将其Hadamard积与Kronecker积的 Schur补结果推广到广义Schur补,并减弱了其约束条件。 关键词:Moore-Penrose广义逆;半正定矩阵;广义Schur补 中图分类号:O151.21文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-274Ⅹ(...
c++ Eigen库 矩阵/向量的 哈达玛积(又叫:Hadamard积、基本积、elementwise积、广播积、Schur乘积、按元素乘法) //矩阵Eigen::Matrix2f a; Eigen::Matrix2f b; a<<1,2,3,4; b<<2,3,3,4; Eigen::Matrix2f hadamard_product = a.array() * b.array();...
Schur gave several useful bounds for the spectral norm and eigenvalues of the Hadamard (entrywise) product of two matrices. Motivated by applications to the theory of monotone and convex matrix functions, we are led to consider Hadamard products in which both factors are conformally partitioned ...