The article profiles the Schulich Executive Education Center, the executive education branch of the Schulich School of Business at York University in Toronto, Ontario. The London Financial Times 2006 ranked the Schulich MBA program as the number one program in Canada and 18th in the world. Details...
约克大学舒立克商学院(Schulich School of Business)——加拿大顶尖商学院之一,和多伦多大学的Rotman商学院、西安大略IVEY商学院并称为加拿大最好的三个商学院。《经济学人》杂志排名加拿大第一,全球22位,相同教育质量等同美国常青藤大学商学院,学费仅为美国常青藤大学商学院的1/3; 舒立克商学院开设的本科课程包括两个...
学校Schulich School of Business有个外号,叫Schulich School of Bullshit. Bullshit意思就是胡扯。平时的...
He received his Master of Business Administration degree from the Schulich School of Business at York University, his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Toronto, and has completed Executive Education at Harvard Business School. Platform Eight Capital Corp. Announces Proposed Qualifying Transa...
York University - Schulich School of Business4700 Keele Street Toronto ON M3J 1P3Choose a Master, an MS or an MBA in Corporate social responsibility The Sector of Social Responsibility Studies in social responsibility indicates a sector that ultimately focuses...
7. When did you realize that you wanted to go to business school, and why?Why School?1. Why does this school appeal to you?2. Have you thought of other schools?3. Where else have you applied and what was the resultOther MBA1. Why do you want to be in senior executive role?2. ...
Schulich offers business programs year-round at two Toronto campuses. Imran Kanga, associate director at the Schulich School of Business answers your questions below. About the Program Name of the school:Schulich School of Business School location:Toronto, Hyderabad ...
The Schulich school offers a variety of CSR courses, including a comprehensive program in business and sustainability and programs in corporate governance. Additionally, Schulich runs the Sustainable Enterprise Academy, an executive education program on sustainable development....