Schubert & Salzer Inc. offers a multitude of control and actuated valves for a wide variety of process industries.
Schubert & Salzer Control Systems - Your partner for highly precise control valves and stop valves which are applied in the process industry.
Schubert and Salzer舒伯特萨泽阀门可配不同品牌的定位器 这就是控制的简单程度。在控制阀领域,舒伯特&萨尔泽多年来一直在开拓新天地。我们开发的滑动闸板控制阀:一种方便,轻便,高精度的阀门。它的运作原理已经让列奥纳多·达·芬奇兴奋不已。即使在今天,它也满足了控制阀上挑战性的要求。 该滑动闸阀系列可以精确、...
上海荣宙贸易有限公司主要致力于“SCHUBERT&SALZER -上海荣宙贸易有限公司 ”的生产销售。多年的“SCHUBERT&SALZER -上海荣宙贸易有限公司 ”生产与销售的经验,与各行业新老用户建立了稳定的合作关系,我公司经营的产品名称深受广大用户信赖。欢迎来电咨询或前来选购
SCHUBERT&SALZER阀7032系列介绍 气动法兰阀用于控制中性、轻度和高度腐蚀性流体。 • 紧凑设计 • 不受轻度污染介质的影响 • 温度范围为 -100°C 至 +220°C • 工作压力高达 40 巴 • 可旋转执行器 Pneumatically operated flanged valves for the control of neutral, lightly and highly aggressive flu...
The Schubert & Salzer Group combines innovative valve technology, precise investment casting and intelligent ERP software under one roof.
SCHUBERT&SALZER定位器8049系列系列描述 Version 8049-4 8049-2 8049-ExPro Nominal stroke 0.12 - 1.1 inch (opt. 0,24 - 1,97 inch) 0.12 - 1.1 inch (opt. 0,24 - 1,97 inch) 0.12 - 1.1 inch (opt. 0,24 - 1,97 inch) Voltage of the working resistance ...
德国SCHUBERT & SALZER 专门设计精巧功能强大的各式控制阀。产品类型: Angle bodied DISC- and pinch valves (角座阀): -Angle bodied disc valve -Angle bodied disc valve with flanges -Angle bodied control valve -Straight bodied flange valve -3 / 2- way valve ...
Schubert & Salzer - Industrial process control, instrumentation, automation and valve representative. Serving New Jersey, New York, Delaware and Eastern Pennsylvania providing pressure, temperature, level, flow, analytical instruments and va
产品名称:Schubert & Salzer 7050 不锈钢直角阀 产品型号:Schubert & Salzer 7050 Stainless steel angle valve 产品展商:Schubert & Salzer 简单介绍 正确的角阀可以安装在没有占用非常大的空间。 材质:不锈钢 1.4408 Schubert & Salzer 7050 不锈钢直角阀的详细介绍 ...