A broad defect shoulder seen in subgap absorption around 2.9 eV can be correlated with surface defects leading to enhanced recombination of strongly absorbed light. The responsivity shows a linear dependence with the applied reverse bias voltage....
The applications of any two-dimensional (2D) semiconductor devices cannot bypass the control of metal-semiconductor interfaces, which can be severely affected by complex Fermi pinning effects and defect states. Here, we report a near-ideal rectifier in t
(DIGS); defect levels (often related to stoichiometry); and chemical bond polarization (Hasegawa 1999,Tung 2001). Some models are closely related to theories of heterojunction band offsets (Capasso and Margaritondo 1987). Schottky barrier heights are typically measured using electrical methods, such...
Further investigation is required to fully understand the origin of this defect state. 3.2.2. Implanted Devices The temperature and field dependence of the implanted devices suggested the presence of another mechanism apart from phonon-assisted tunneling, which could be related to the presence of ...
nanomaterials Communication Growth Condition-Oriented Defect Engineering for Changes in Au–ZnO Contact Behavior from Schottky to Ohmic and Vice Versa Abu ul Hassan Sarwar Rana and Hyun-Seok Kim * Division of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Dongguk University-Seoul, Seoul 04620, Korea; abul...