By the mid-twenties, Schott NYC was revolutionizing the way Americans dressed for the outdoors when they were the first to put a zipper on a jacket. Eager to innovate, it was no surprise that Irving Schott then set his sights on another American classic in the making - the motorcycle. In...
Schott Lazona Kawasaki, Japan Winterthur, Switzerland Lausanne, Switzerland BELGIUM / LUXEMBURG TRADE MART Schott-Biarritz 025 Atomium Square 1 1020 Bruxelles, Belgium 1BP 211 Tel: +32 47 56 26 957 E-mail: guywouters@gmail.comCANADA
1 Schott NYC 说到皮衣品牌,是无论如何也避不开成立于1913年的Schott NYC。可以说由Irving Schott和Jack Schott两兄弟创立的Schott NYC见证了皮衣文化的兴起,也成为美式复古文化中的传奇符号。 目前Schott NYC的皮衣大致分为美产线,日产线以及国产线,新手玩家们可以选择风格上更偏基础款的国产线,其中DOUBLE BREST R...
Vintage Schott NYC Ski Jacket workwear black minimalistic $55See Similar 8 days ago(about 1 month) Made In Usa × Schott × Vintage s Vintage Schott N.Y.C USA Snow Ski Outdoor Puffer Down Jacket $75See Similar about 2 months ago(3 months) Made In Usa × Schott × Vintage m Vintage ...
經典皮革品牌 Schott NYC 與Converse 攜手推出全新 One Star 聯名鞋款,全鞋設計上採用黑色皮革為主軸,捨棄傳統鞋帶系統後,改以 Schott 騎士夾克所使用的拉鍊取代,搭配鞋身皮革的棕色內裏,除了增添層次感之餘,也令原先單調的黑色造型更有味道。 此款Converse ONE STAR Z Schott 預計將在 9 月 27 日正式登陸日本...
之後在雷蒙斯合唱團(Ramones)與Sid Vicious都紛紛著用的關係,也讓RIDER JACKET成為音樂服飾愛好者的注目單品! 而這次日本代官山的select shop「STADIUM」為了重現當年「ONE STAR」的模樣,特別與SCHOTT一同將原有的打造出新的「613US」,強調手臂部份的一體成形性與亞洲剪裁,火紅限定版本SCHOTT NYC × STADIUM重裝登場!
Founded back in 1913, fine leather wear purveyorSchott NYCandLee, the iconic denim brand established in 1899, have now come together for their first-ever collaboration. Building on the over 100-year heritage of the two brands, the collection features fresh renditions of classic styles for the ...
除此之外古着也是Schott NYC不错的入手渠道,由于产量相对较大,很多状态十分不错的Schott NYC美国产皮衣的入手价格仅为国产线定价的三分之一。 2 LEVI'S VINTAGE CLOTHING LEVI'S旗下的LEVI'S VINTAGE CLOTHING(LVC)就凭一件“Menlo Cossack”就能在皮衣品牌中拥有一席之地,因为这毕竟是爱因斯坦同款。此前LVC专门推...
Schott B-3. Image via Schott NYC. Let’s say you run cold and need a little extra fleecy goodness to keep you going. Well then, you may be interested in Schott’s take on the B-3 jacket: a WWII garment worn by pilots on high-altitude bombing runs. All-natural sheep’s fur lines...
2024 style streetwear's favorite tracksuit now comes in badass leather needles linked with nyc stalwart schott to craft the season's slickest two-piece. by tyler watamanuk november 2, 2023 style jason schott is keeping the moto jacket legacy alive and well we talked to jason schott about ...