SCOTLAND CO., N.C. (WBTW) – At Monday night’s Scotland County school board meeting, it was approved for students to go back to in-person learning starting in March. Students who are in grades Pre-K – 5th will return to in-person learning on March 1, and those who are 6th – 1...
. The cost of the DISCOVER programme will be allocated across all young people invited to attend on the basis that the workshops are closed groups and will go ahead irrespective of attendance [56]. All other health and social care services, measured using the CA-SUS, will be costed using ...
Partnerships and Collaboration: Schools can’t go it alone. Schools have limited resources. Partnerships with like-minded community members, organisations and service providers are critical to establishing and operating a school as community hub. Facilitating communication, nurturing relationships, and develo...
Head of English and literacy Eiméar Haskins, who is also S6 year head and the school’s adviser on university admissions, says: “Pupils were achieving the grades to get into university, we were all working our backsides off to get them into university, but they would either not go, or...
As many institutions head back to start a new academic year in the coming weeks, Microsoft Showcase Schools will continue to share their expertise and help others navigate the challenges of the “new normal.” The global Showcase Schools community comes together as a group to tackle challenges,...
Scotland seems to be ground zero for the detonation of all the daftest ideas in education. Violence in Scottish schools (including at least one fatal stabbing) has been widely reported, and often streamed, since the powers that be took permanent exclusion off of the table. Even when this be...
An optional internship is part of the program as well as study abroad experiences in England, Hong Kong, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Taiwan or Scotland. During the final year of the Auburn Graphic Design BFA Program, students will complete a professional portfolio of their best work. Auburn GDE...
This finding is similar to studies from China and Scotland, where bystanders feared being caught up in a legal dispute as a barrier [17, 28]. Public perception that CPR and other life saving skills should only be performed by medical professionals are further reinforced by policies discouraging ...
Trauma and injustice undermine our ability to form the healthy relationships that are required for personal development and community wellbeing (Bath,2008; Zurbriggen, Gobin, & Kaehler,2012). Therefore, caring and authentic relationships must be at the center of efforts to build resilience and heal...
Commonly called Westies, the dog was originally bred in Scotland to hunt foxes, badgers, otters, and rats. A West Highland white terrier has long served as the mascot for the Caesar Pet Food company, while the breed has most recently been prominently featured in the 2018 comedy "Game ...