Learning Disabilities Research & PracticeMorocco, C. C., Aguilar, C. M., Clay, K., Brigham, N., & Zigmond, N. (2006). Good high schools for students with disabilities. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 21(3), 135-145.
Good High Schools for Students with Disabilities : Introduction to the Special Issuestudents with disabilitiesgood high schoolsparticipationgoalspositive resultsresearch questionscase studiesThis special issue presents findings from Good High Schools, a 3-year study of high schools that have strong ...
Private schools for students with learning disabilities are different from traditional private schools. They specialize in teaching children with dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and other challenges, offering trained staff and customized programs. They charge tuition that can run to tens o...
OF DISSERTATION PARENTS' PERSPECTIVES ON INCLUSIVE SCHOOLS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES IN SAUDI ARABIA In recent decades, inclusion has gained increasing international currency. In the Gulf region, Saudi Arabia in particular has made a sustained commitment to leadership in the humane, equitable inclusi...
Getting Past Avoidance: Functional Behavioral Assessment for Two Elementary Students with Learning Disabilities The purpose of this study was to introduce a project developed to promote interaction of teacher candidates from different areas with individuals with spec... Lang, Diane E. - Insights on Lea...
For instance, the importance of school-wide reform models (e.g., multitiered system of supports/response to intervention) that provide a framework for the identification and delivery of educational resources to students with disabilities, the need for school leadership to foster environments and ...
In Florida, for example, more than 22,000 students with disabilities receive McKay Scholarships to attend private schools at a perstudent cost to the government that averaged $7,220 in 2010-11. But what about the private schools that participate in voucher programs open to all low-income ...
Curriculum Adaptation in Special Schools for Students with Intellectual Disabilities (SID): A Case Study of Project Learning in One SID School in Hong KongForeign CountriesMental RetardationCurriculum DevelopmentEducational ObjectivesEducational Strategies...
Students with Disabilities who Drop Out of School: Implications for Policy and Practice (NCSET Issue Brief) A brief describing the uses of research-based information defining the problem of an unacceptably high dropout rate for students with disabilities and articulating proven intervention strategies. ...
A. There are few ways to meet the needs of a student who has learning disabilities. B. There are some schools in the United States that teach only students with learning disabilities. C. Computer programs designed for the needs of people with learning disabilities are not available so far. ...