My college life VS mymiddleschool life It is about a month since I entered East China University of Science and Technology. Through this month’s experience, I found that there are many differences between college life and senior school life. In my point of view, the greatest difference is ...
第一篇:My college life VS my senior school life My college life VS my middle school life It is about a month since I entered East China University of Science and Technology.Through this month’s experience, I found that there are many differences between college life and senior school life...
例一:high school vscollege i will always remember the day on which i stepped into the gate of mycollege,excited and happy, thinking that i can change my future. all thethings are fresh to me ,and the new life encouraged me to keep active all thetime. for the time being, however, ...
School is an institution for education at various levels, focusing on academic learning, while a campus refers to the physical grounds and buildings of a university or college.
HighSchoolVSCollege High School VS College Most of us may find that it is different between high school and college. Personally, I think the distinctions are always in study and life.In high school, teachers help us study. Our teachers showed us how to solve every problem by detailed ...
High school Having lived in XUT for a semester , I found that there are quantities of similarities and differences between high school life and college life. Everything in the campus is fresh to us , yet a majority of us could not handle it well. For one thing, there area ...
Nicole Laeno|学校的一天|SCHOOL DAY IN MY LIFE class comp #1 & 1st football game! 眼光奕奕 129 0 17:23 美国职业女子橄榄球比赛 奥斯汀原声vs达拉斯渴望 第一节 will的杂货小铺 5.1万 168 10:54 美国高中篮球比赛的火药味都这么浓嘛!The MOST DISRESPECTFUL Moments in Basketball! YuFeibaba 1.5万...
To conclude,although our lifestyle has changed a lot,we still need more self-control and self-awareness in college.We can't only focus our energy on computer games;Only so,we willbecome more competitive and we can have a bright future.©...
schoolhighcollegelifexutresemblances Highschoolvs.collegeHavinglivedinXUTforasemester,Ifoundthattherearequantitiesofsimilaritiesanddifferencesbetweenhighschoollifeandcollegelife.Everythinginthecampusisfreshtous,yetamajorityofuscouldnothandleitwell.Foronething,thereareacoupleresemblancesbetweenhighschoollifeandcollegelife...
college are different from each other so you know what to expect and can have a smoother transition when you begin college. In this guide, we explain the 15 most important differences between high school and college and give you tips to help make this major life change a bit less ...