A crossword clue might be “a fruit with yellow skin.”. Your answer must fit in the grid. The word for this clue has six boxes. To fill in those boxes, you need to answer the clue with the word “banana.”...
Moving Words From Short-Term to Long-Term Memory Effective vocabulary acquisition involves three critical stages: Encoding:Understand the word’s meaning, roots and connections to other languages. Storing:Use repetition, flashcards and practice activities to transfer words to long-term memory. Retrieving...
An out-of-work architect named Alfred M. Butts created a game during the Depression where lettered tiles were assigned points on a crossword puzzle-style grid. Butts came up with names for the game like CrissCross Words and Lexiko before licensing the idea to James Brunot, who called ...
Chuck was bigger than life in his love for people. He freely shared his time, his stories and his genuine self with everyone he met. Chuck always had an encouraging word to say or a big hug to give. He loved life and left us way too soon. Ardis Duensing Riley '66. Ellen Kristine ...
in which the sociologist Erving Goffman very devastatingly defines the term in his title as “a trait that can obtrude itself upon attention … breaking the claim that other attributes have on us.” For many people, that’s the high-school experience in a nutshell. At the time they ...