Royal Liberty School, October 2023 "Superb 4 day trip to Barca / Salou 24th September. Travelled with 36 pupils who had a fantastic time at the Cambrills Sports Village, fixtures, coaching, theme park, nou camp etc. Every aspect of the tour was superbly organised and went to plan and al...
In many countries, career guidance is primarily delivered in secondary schools by guidance counsellors (Austin et al.Citation2020). Such staff are often (though not always) teachers, and many have undertaken additional training in counselling and career guidance (Hooley, Percy, and NearyCitation2023...
Ebenezer is responsible for 800 boys between 11 and 18 years old at what's called a free school. It's funded directly by the government and can set its own pay for teachers, as well as amend the length of the school day and term-time. Researchers from the University of...
Which conditions will sustain education as a public good? First, a warning: we should not engage in a romantic retrospect for good old public education that we may have lost or are about to lose. We know that public education in the past too often was incapable of effectively promoting ...
Born in London, raised in Wales. She graduated with a BA in Politics and International Relations before completing a Masters in Legal and Political Theory from University College London. Throughout her life she has worked with children and after studying she did an internship at a Montessori sch...
Callous-unemotional (CU) traits have been associated with atypical responses to reward and punishment cues, with evidence suggesting that such traits may s
But even at smaller schools, kids were stuck waiting — leaving students and parents with more than the usual first-day nerves. Iowa Nearly two weeks before school starts, Iowa districts are navigating the implementation of the 2023 education law, WeAreIowa Michigan Cellphone bans, free meals, ...
Payment whilst absent will be in accordance with the current Teachers’ Sick Pay Regulations, as defined in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (teaching members of staff only). Where appropriate fee remission arrangements will be offered for children to attend the Primary and Senior ...
Therefore this case study explored the student learning experience of ten senior students within a whole school positive education initiative in an all boys private school in New South Wales, Australia. Through the utility of semi-structured focus group interviews this study found that active, ...
Dramatic scenery. Unrivalled snow conditions. Stopover in the Big Apple. Unforgettable trip unlocked. Ski inAndorra Everything you could want in a school ski tour: first-class conditions, efficient lift systems and excellent ski schools. Ski inAustria ...