The Nineteenth-Century National School System in Ireland: An Egalitarian Conception?Martina RelihanHistory of Education Researcher
This article traces the functioning of the Commissioners of National Education, outlining salient aspects of their activities in the national school system during Ireland's Great Famine of the 1840s. The role of the commissioners as an agency of government is explored in the context of their annua...
Sir -- It is interesting to note the attitude of different classes of society towards the question of corporal punishment at school. The very poor parents resent it in any shape, and hie them to the slum schools, arms akimbo, to give "a bit of their minds" to the teachers. The "new ...
Supporting Integrated Education in Northern Ireland. Helping parents and schools interested in Transformation to Integrated status.
In my school- National College of Ireland has an International Office which specializes in helping international students, the teachers there are very enthusiastic, and the questions you ask can be answered in a timely and effective manner. They will also send regular emails to tell us about the...
The information published today aims to provide parents with a snapshot of information about how many students from each school in the Republic of Ireland go on to various third-level colleges in Ireland. This includes progression data for 20 publicly funded colleges in the Republic ...
Rather than originating from ethnic differences in evaluation or school access, the parent perception is of primary importance. Because of their unfamiliarity with Essen's elementary system, Turkish families frequently pay attention to only a single school. The option they consider is typically the ...
1.(Education) (in Ireland) a state primary school 2.(Education) (in England in the 19th century) a school run by the Church of England for the children of the poor Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000...
Ireland Poland 498 Latvia Croatia Lithuania Slovak Republic Hungary Czech Republic New Zealand England France Slovenia Germany4 Netherlands Italy /Australia Portugal Spain 485 488 Bulgaria Malta Greece Israel Cyprus Iran Oman Bahrain 456 522 Switzerland Belgium Iceland 498 USA Austria Luxembourg Sweden489 ...
(2012). Perspectives on school readiness in rural Ireland: The experiences of parents and children. International Journal of Early Years Education, 20(1), 15–29. Article Google Scholar McIntyre, L. L., Eckert, T. L., Fiese, B. H., Di...