Aattach great importance to:高度重视 学校高度重视学生的心理健康。 根据题干可知,此处要表达 “重视” 这一含义,“高度重视” 用到的短语是 “attach great importance to” , 因此答案选 A。 B项 “take” 有拿、 携带、 耗费等意思, C 项“pay”有支付、 给予等意思, D项 “offer” 有提供、 给予...
Aattach great importance to: 高度重视 学校高度重视学生的心理健康 根据题干可知,此处要表达 “重视” 这一 含义,“高度重视” 用到的短语是 “attach great importance to” , 因此答案选A。 B项 “take”有拿、 携带、 耗费等意思,C项 “pay” 有支付、 给予 等意思,D项 “offer” 有提供、 给予等...
Children with a low school connectedness had 1.43 times (1.11 to 1.83) the odds of mental health difficulties compared to those with a high school connectedness. The OR comparing children never feeling close to other students at their school with those always feeling close was 1.86 (1.18 to ...
1) Senior high school students'mental health 中学生心里健康 2) Mental Health Scale for Primary and Middle School Students 中小学生心理健康量表 1. Reliability and Validity ofMental Health Scale for Primary and Middle School Students; 中小学生心理健康量表的信效度检验 ...
Here a study is conducted to find the relationship between Mental Health of a student and his Self-confidence. The sample for the study was taken from three districts of Punjab i.e. Mohali, Fatehgarh Sahib and Ropar. 600 class X students from Government and Private school were included in ...
1)Senior high school students'mental health中学生心里健康 2)Mental Health Scale for Primary and Middle School Students中小学生心理健康量表 1.Reliability and Validity ofMental Health Scale for Primary and Middle School Students;中小学生心理健康量表的信效度检验 ...
Two, high school students have the main reason for mental health problems The reasons for mental health problems of senior high school students are complicated, and different forms can be found because of individual differences. The main reasons are as follows: first, the reasons for the growth ...
Mental health education of primary school students_50638 热度: 学校心理健康教育(Schoolmentalhealtheducation) Teachingdesigncaseofmentalhealthcourseforprimaryand middleschoolstudents Title:uncovertheveilofemotionandrevealaradiantsmile Teachingpurpose: 1.Knowledge:emotionaldefinition,reasonsandovercoming ...
1) mental health of senior middle school students 高中生心理健康 1. This thesis discusses the standard of mental health of senior middle school students and gives some tips on getting across the standard. 近年来,高中生心理健康问题引起了我国社会各界的高度重视,研究高中生心理健康状况及对策具有十分...
Article: Primary school students' mental health in Uganda and its association with school violence, connectedness, and school characterist