After washing and drying ourselves with fresh single use towels, rubbing off the scabs so that the antibiotic cream can get underneath. It’s an absolute swine, you do not want Impetigo or school sores ever. Update. Three months later, four courses of Erythromycin, two treatments with nasal ...
SIDES: White Rice Pitta Bread DESSERT: Jam Tart Cream Fruit/Yoghurt THURSDAY MAIN: Roast Turkey Dinner or Saitan “Turkey” (VE) SIDES: Mixed Vegetables Roast Potatoes Yorkshire Pudding DESSERT: Flapjack Fruit/Yoghurt FRIDAY MAIN: Penne Bolognese or Penne tomato (VE) ...
ritual bathing, sacrifice, incubation, dreams, and then healing. While priests were present at the shrines, they did not function as doctors nor is there any evidence for medical treatment in any of the Asklepion. Those persons who received cures at the Asklepieia recovered...