Winston-Salem Street School is a private school located in Winston Salem, NC. The student population of Winston-Salem Street School is 40. The school’s minority student enrollment is 72.5% and the student-teacher ratio is 5:1. Tuition & Financial Aid N/A Yearly Tuition* Fees* N/A Financ...
26-36 in winston-salem, nc metro area high schools # 9-14 in winston salem / forsyth county schools high schools # 646-784 in magnet high schools scorecard took at least one ap® exam 14% passed at least one ap® exam 1% mathematics pro...
475 Corporate Square Drive, Winston-Salem, NC, 27105 Tel:(336) 727-2292 82 Schools in District 51,843 Students See homes for sale and rentaroundWinston Salem & Forsyth County School Districtarea 1,688homes for sale 696homes for rent
气候: 夏季、秋季:炎热;冬季、春季: 温和 温斯顿塞勒姆是北卡福赛县的首府和较大的城市,是北卡州的第四大城,也是该地区比较大的办公楼Wachovia银行中心的所在地。当地有维克森林大学、Winston-Salem州立大学、North Carolina州艺术大学等高校。录取要求Eligibility 接受年级:9--12年级 最低语言要求:以申请时学校...
温斯顿塞勒姆基督教学校Winston Salem Christian School 私立中学,男女合校 ,寄宿家庭,Niche A-,大学升学率100% 学校介绍School Introduction 温斯顿塞勒姆基督教学校,坐落于福赛斯县,是一所 多元化的私立学府。作为皮埃蒙特三合会地区唯一的国际 高中,该校以其全球视野著称,汇聚了来自六大洲的学生。 该校的毕业生不仅成功...
PECSAA Tournament moves to Bishop McGuiness Feb9 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Championship Sunday for PECSAA Tournament at Bishop Feb10 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM Varsity boys basketball practice 3 to 4:30 p.m. View All events Through the hallways of ...
UNCSA is a highly rated public university located in Winston-Salem, North Carolina in the Greensboro Area. It is a small institution with an enrollment of 894 undergraduate students. Admissions is fairly competitive as the UNCSA acceptance rate is 32%. Popular majors include Cinematography and Video...
Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle, because the older you get, the more you need the people who knew you when you were young. . If you are new to the site and are an alum of the class of 1974, click on "Viking 74 Profles" on the menu bar at left. If ...
School Bond Referendum for Winston-Salem, N.C., Takes Shape.Reports on the school bond referendum of Winston-Salem, North Carolina in November 2001. Structure of the bonds; Uses of the proceeds from the bond issue.DeSueTedraEBSCO_bspBond Buyer...
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