you can build a page for kindergarten, university, home school, online education, and more. The options are there; just put them into play and realize your project in a snap. Remember that all the samples are also editable and customizable with a simple technique of dragging and dropping...
*Project内容分析本单元项目活动设计了比较真实的情景模拟——带领来访学生参观自己的校园,要求学生综合运 用本单元所学语言完成任务。项目活动分三步进行:首先,活动3a 要求学生画一张学校的平面图,并 计划参观的路线;活动3b呈现了介绍校园的各种句式,还给出了示范介绍的语言支架,并先让学生在 小组内练习以学生导游的...
What: Using the scientific method or engineering design process, carry out a project that encourages responsible stewardship of the environment and its natural resources. Teams must illustrate their innovation in a 3-page PDF document to vie for the chance to represent their state/territory. Who: ...
Set the stage for all the incredible experiences to come in the school days ahead. Text at the top of the bulletin board can read “180 School Days = 180 Opportunities.” Then, design a cute banner with each of the kids’ names. Finally, place different opportunities underneath such as “...
The roles are: Conceptualization; Data curation; Formal analysis; Funding acquisition; Investigation; Methodology; Project administration; Resources; Software; Supervision; Validation; Visualization; Roles/Writing - original draft; and Writing - review & editing. Note that not all roles may apply to ...
In line with the ethics committee of the concerned institution, there was no compelling need for an ethics approval for this project. Informed Consent Statement Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study. Data Availability Statement We report how we collected our sample, ...
For recruitment, an invitation email explaining the aim of the project was sent to principals and secretaries of primary schools in Belgium and the Netherlands. Interested teachers received further information by email or phone call. The final sample consisted of 18 teachers from 15 schools. ...
To learn more about this project, visit: Reports from the Front Lines Preparing for break Suicide Prevention Training Student Use of AI Computer Distribution The Social Web Tamasha James @relations-routines.bsky....
Project We Love SouthLight The new front door of The Southside Cultural Center of Rhode Island - an Open Performance Venue and Urban Lawn by SouthLight Design Build and 105 backers SouthLight is an exciting new space in the Southside of Providence! It will serve as the new front door...
1. Back-end digital asset management software — This is a key component of the project. We used OCLC’s CONTENTdm, because it was available, our technical team was familiar with it, and because it has a strong multi-page collating system (the compound object) as its core compone...