International Standard Safeguarding PoliciesSafeguarding is something we take very seriously at ISHCMC. We are committed to our duty to safeguard and promote the welfare and wellbeing of children and young people in our care and those who work in the school. Through our work we aim to ensure a...
At Hastings School, International School, we take responsibility for the health & safety of all children. Find out more about our school policies
International Standard Safeguarding PoliciesOur Commitment to Students and Parents We are committed to our duty to safeguard and promote the welfare and wellbeing of children and young people in our care and those who work in the school. Through our work we aim to ensure a safe learning and ...
Our policies are designed to create a safe & productive learning environment. Click here to see our policies on dress code, safeguarding, assessments and more.
Local School Policies SJS Policy_Home Learning SJS Policy_Rewards & Behaviour SJS Policy_School Bus SJS Policy_Anti-Bullying SJS Policy_Special Educational Needs & Disability SJS Policy_Health & Safety SJS Policy_Student Uniform and Appearance ...
For school (and other) psychologists, this should provide the ultimate protection to the consumer, a protection that is essential given the sometimes tenuous nature and enormous responsibility for safeguarding the psychological health and development of children, adolescents, and their families. ...
We ensure that all students in our care arelearning and thriving in the safest possible environment. Check our safeguarding policyhere. PREPARING FOR SCHOOL At NAIS Pudong, there are aspects of school life that we believe should be clearly defined for the wellbeing of all our students, such as...
Join as a E-safety Support member for access to Internet safety specific online training modules for staff, governors, pupils and parents, school e-safety policies, lesson plans and teaching resources. Safeguarding Essentials from £499/year* ...
Also, think about the functionality you offer visitors. It’s quite nice to include specific links for downloading and printing policies, and if you can include an in-page preview of the document that’s a brilliant approach. This has the benefit of not taking your visitors away from the pa...
Zhejiang Ningbo Concordia School for Children of Foreign Personnel (ZNCS) originated from the Concordia education system, one of the most developed and influential private education systems in the world. As a 15-year K12 education system, ZNCS offers edu