The film premiered at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival and had a limited theatrical release on September 3, 2010. Lionsgate bought the United Kingdom and United States rights to the film at Sundance. Plum Pictures and Gigi Films produced the film. Released: 2009 Directed by: James C. St...
* A dance, ball or masquerade * theatrical and musical events * hands-on art (“maker”) events * Viewings of movies and TV shows Some people go in elaborate costumes, re-creating characters from favorite shows. Some get together for informal photo shoots. (“Cosplay”) Spiral curriculum Au...
About the filmmaker – Pelican Media Executive Director Judy Irving is a Sundance-and-Emmy-Award-winning filmmaker whose theatrical credits include The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill, a feature documentary about the relationship between a homeless street musician and a flock of wild parrots in San ...
Unfortunately, the middle of the movie dragged a bit - perhaps if I watched the theatrical cut this wouldn't be a problem. City of God: Nightcrawler if Jake Gylenhaal's character was split into Lil'Z and Rocket. Jackie Brown: The most un-Tarantino movie of the Tarantino movies. I've ...
And watch her feet, how they can dance. No time to wait till her mouth can Enrich that smile her eyes began. A poor life this, if full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. Let Me Count the Days: Homeschooling is spending just the right amount time studying this butterfly...
“A rich and illuminating piece of cultural history.”– Sheri Linden, Hollywood Reporter Posted in Academy Award nominee, Art, dance, DOC/NYC, documentary, Fashion, Film Festival, Film School interview, History, Human Rights, Indie, Music, Musical, Oscar nominated, Political, Public Service, Sp...
House of Morgan: Spider Dance (Carole Nelson Douglas) 67; Nevermore (William Hjortsberg) 209 Morgan Library: The Great Shelby Holmes and the Coldest Case (Elizabeth Eulberg) 198 Morgan, Jack (Kate Shugak series - Dana Stabenow) "The Eyak Interpreter" (Dana Stabenow) 292, 306 Morgan, Johnny...
Would love to get back in touch with both of them. Bob Leigh & Tim Bond... still both in the theatrical industries.. Bob at the Long Beach Playhouse, and Tim (and his son) at Ashland Oregons' Shakespearean Festival. Scotty Polek.. who's now in the fashion industry in New York. ...
the of and to a in that is was he for it with as his on be at by i this had not are but from or have an they which one you were all her she there would their we him been has when who will no more if out so up said what its about than into them can only other time new...
About the filmmaker – Noah Hutton is a writer and director of documentary and narrative films. He wrote and directed the sci-fi feature Lapsis, which premiered in the narrative feature competition at SXSW 2020 and was acquired by Film Movement for theatrical release in 2021. In 2020 he compl...