美式正宗的文理学院的译法是Liberal Arts College (LAC) 。LAC一般这又本科生,跟大的university比,学校规模小和人数少,但是好的LAC教学质量是有保障的,像Williams College,Amherst College可以和Harvard 和Yale并称。School of Arts and Sciences跟LAC不是一个意思,主要是大的university的一个departmen...
School of Biosciences ·法学院(本、硕、博) Taylor's Law School ·医学院(本、硕、博) School of Medicine ·药剂学院(本、硕、博) School of Pharmacy ·食品科学学院(本、硕、博) School of Food Studies & Gastronomy ·科学艺术学院(本、硕、博) School of Liberal Arts and Sciences ·设计学院(本...
16.德克萨斯大学 - 奥斯汀美术学院 College of Fine Arts,University of Texas--Austin 17.爱荷华大学自由艺术与科学学院 College of Liberal Arts and Sciences,University of Iowa 18.印第安纳大学 - 伯明顿分校研究生院 University Graduate School,Indiana University--Bloomington 19.旧金山艺术学院 San Francisco Art...
英英释义 School of Arts and Sciences The School of Arts and Sciences is an undergraduate constituent school at the New Brunswick-Piscataway area campus of Rutgers University. Established in 2007 from the merger of Rutgers' undergraduate liberal arts colleges and the non-student college known as the...
Harvard College),school专指其他研究生学院(哈佛的Graduate School of Arts and Sciences)或专业学院...
02 School of Arts and Sciences 文理学院 接下来看一下宾大文理学院,注意下宾大的LPS学院College of Liberal and Professional Studies是开设在其文理学院下的,和其他学校单设一个SPS学院还是有区别的。文理学院值得申请的硕士项目:宾大一共开设了3个MPA相关的项目,其中文理学院LPS下的国际公共管理IMPA是相对最好...
02. Arts and sciences 国内的高中就会文理分科,大学的专业也基本分为文、理工两大类: Arts: 文科(文史哲社会学等"文科专业") Sciences: 理科 也有另外的分类方法,把科学也区分为社会科学和自然科学: Social-science: 社会科学 Natural-science: 自然科学 现在还流行这么说理科: STEM (Science Technology Engineeri...
因为 Liberal Arts并不是只指人文教育。人文在英文中有具体的词,是Humanities,但是自由教育文理学院不是只进行人文教育,这类学院的教育的内容有三大块:自然科学(Sciences),社会科学(Social Sciences)和人文学科(Humanities)。人文教育只是文理学院内容的一相。人文学科包括文学,哲学,历史,语言等等,而社会学,政治学等都...
This course is a study guide for individuals preparing to take a test covering high school liberal arts and sciences. Explore a variety of engaging lessons and take accompanying quizzes to strengthen your knowledge of philosophy, literature, math and more before taking your exam. ...