测测专业申请成功率 Gillings School of Global Public Health 格林全球公共卫生学院 学位类型: 专业方向:健康 所属学校:University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill(北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校) 查看该专业官方网址 >> 加载中 查看该专业官方网址 ${vMDataUtil.getDomain($common_pc_footer_copyright.get(0).co...
Gillings School of Global Public Health is a professional school that works to improve public health and eliminate health disparities in North Carolina and around the country. The school serves around 1,700 students every year. The school was founded in 1936. In 2008 it changed its name to the...
New York University (NYU) has selected Suffolk to perform preconstruction and construction management services for the renovation of its School of Global Public Health. Located adjacent to the eccentric Astor Place, 404 Lafayette/708 Broadway will serve as a high-profile office and academic building...
亚当斯牙科学院 Adams School of Dentistry 医学院 School of Medicine 护理学院 School of Nursing Eshelman药学院 Eshelman School of Pharmacy Gillings全球公共卫生学院 Gillings School of Global Public Health 来源:官方Ins 医药界大佬,舍我其谁?UNC的医学院和公共卫生学院在全美享有极高的学术声誉,后者更一...
Main Subject Public Health Degree MPH Study Level Masters Study Mode On Campus The master of public health (MPH) degree in global health provides students with applied public health training in a global context. Skills Students will develop skills in areas such as: Qualitative Research Me...
The Harvard Global Health Institute was one of eight organizations that created a simple color-coded map to help you identify the risk in your area. Here’s where we should put our renewables to get the biggest carbon benefit A wind turbine in India makes a much bigger difference than a wi...
Global Health Statistics Harvard School of Public Health CambridgeMurray, C.J.LLopez, A.DMurray C.J.L, Lopez A.D. Global Health Statistics Harvard School of Public Health Cambridge. 1996
健康与全球环境中心(HARVARD T.H. CHAN SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH: Center for Health and the Global Environment)研究中心分大学级、学院级和系部级三类,其中,“健康与全球环境中心”是系部级研究中心之一。该中心在哈佛公共卫生学院,创立于1996年,其宗旨在于增进环境医学教育, 探讨全球环境卫生改变的战略。 A...
a member of the University of North Carolina Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center and an associate professor in the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. "Opt-outs lead to a large number of parents choosing not to vaccinate their children, and that makes requirements ineffective in raising...
Men Should Limit Alcohol to 1 Drink a Day, New Report Advises — quotes Timothy Naimi, professor of community health sciences. Boston Magazine These Are the Pools That Are Open in Boston Right Now — quotes Christopher Gill, associate professor of global health. ...