Civil Engineering 基本信息 学位类型: 硕士 专业简介 新南威尔士大学土木工程专业课程具有灵活性,并为学生提供多样化的选修课程;本专业课程为学生以后进入工程领域的工作打下了坚实的基础;本专业为学生提供土木的专业知识和技能,同时为学生提供了接触其他领域知识的机会,包括括项目管理、交通工程、结构工程、岩土工程、水...
Civil Engineering 基本信息 学位类型: 硕士 专业简介 新南威尔士大学土木工程(工程科学)硕士专业为工程师和毕业生提供了扩展专业知识和职业技能的机会;本专业的学生将获得专业的认可,还有和前沿行业的学科交流学习的机会;本专业将培养学生的职业技术和分析工程问题的能力,从而进一步提高工程问题解决和做决策的能力;学校会...
UNSW科学学院最著名的水环境实验室和艾滋病研究中心均位居世界的前沿。 专业包括: 航空部 Department of Aviation生物地球和环境科学系 School of Biological,Earth and Environmental Sciences生物技术与生物分子科学系 School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences化学系 School of Chemistry材料科学与工程系 School o...
James Watt School of Engineering大部分PGT专业: Aerospace Engineering MSc Aerospace Engineering & Management MSc Biomedical Engineering MSc Civil Engineering MSc Civil Engineering & Management MSc Computer Systems Engineering MSc Electronics & Electrical Engineering MSc Electronics & Electrical Engineering & Manag...
Whether you’re studying law atundergraduate level,graduate level, or just want to know the types of funding available worldwide before applying tostudy law, you’ve come to the right place! Take a look below at the selection oflaw school scholarshipsand grants currently available tolaw students...
XRlL3B1YmxpY2F0aW9ucz90eXBlPWpvdXJuYWxhcnRpY2xlcw%3D%3D&_s=6ae7dd1c1714e39b#opennewwindow ). The successful PhD candidate will be based at Water Research Centre, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW Sydney (Kensington Campus). The research will be principally supervised by...
The School of Minerals and Energy Resources Engineering is a new and combined force building upon the strength of the previous Schools of Mining and Petroleum Engineering at UNSW. The Minerals and Mining Engineering at the UNSW is ranked 9th in 2018 QS world university ranking by subject, which...
新南威尔士大学(The University of New South Wales,简称UNSW),是澳大利亚八校联盟(Group of Eight)成员,同时是世界二十强名校,简称UNSW,是一所创立于1949年,主校区位于澳大利亚新南威尔士州首府悉尼的世界顶尖公立研究型大学,也是澳大利亚八校联盟、环太平洋大学联盟、丝绸之路大学联盟、 国际科技大学联盟、Universitas 21...
Preference is given to Australian or NZ applicants, and evidence of meeting English requirement (eg. 7 in IELTS test). 2.Be enrolling full time and hold an honours degree (First class) or an equivalent. 3.Applications must have a Degree qualification in Civil Engineering, Engineering Geology,...
UNSW的工程学院 (Faculty of Engineering) 是全澳大利亚最大的工程学院,提供非常广泛的工程学课程。本学院共有10个学系: 生物医学工程研究系 (Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering) 化学工程与工业化学系 (School of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Chemistry) 土木与环境工程系 (School of Civil & Environm...