College of Arts, Sciences, and Engineering:罗切斯特最大的学院,分为文理学院(School of Arts and Sciences)和哈基姆工程及应用科学学院(Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences)两个子学院,设有本科专业和研究生专业。 音乐学院 The Eastman School of Music:是罗切斯特最为著名的学院之一,在美国久负盛名。
西蒙商学院William E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration: 作为全美一流的罗彻斯特大学西蒙商学院(Simon Graduate School of business at the University of Rochester)其金融、会计等专业在全美排名前列,并且坐落于纽约州的罗彻斯特城。罗彻斯特西蒙商学院,是培养华尔街精英最多的“金融摇篮”。 专业设置: ...
University of Michigan - 13 University of Mississippi - 7 University of Notre Dame - 2 University of Pennsylvania - 6 University of Pittsburgh - 31 University of Redlands - 6 University of Richmond - 18 University of Roches...
纽约州可区分为七大地理区域:圣罗伦斯低地区、艾迪朗戴克高地区、大湖低地区、哈德逊—莫哈克低地区、新英格兰高地区、大西洋沿岸平原区、以及阿帕拉契高原区。该州主要的城市有:纽约市(New York City)、水牛城/布法罗(Buffalo)、罗切斯特/洛彻斯特(Rochester)、杨克斯(Yonkers)、雪城(Syracuse)、以及州首府奥尔巴尼(Albany...
school location rochester high school 19800 carper rd sw rochester, washington 98579 nearby schools explore map ranked school unranked school best colleges in washington university of washington #46 in national universities (tie) gonzaga university #98 in national...
University of Notre Dame University of Pennsylvania (4) University of Rochester Vanderbilt University University of Virginia Wake Forest University Yale University 申请语言要求 - TOEFL 100+ - SSAT 学年费用 寄宿家庭一年总费用:$ 74000 (以上费用仅包括学费和住宿家庭及管理费,学校要求的注册费、校服、活动费...
rochester, in, which is in a distant town setting. the student population of rochester community high school is 610 and the school serves 8-12. at rochester community high school, 17% of students scored at or above the proficient level for math, and 40% scored at or above that level ...
schoolofart 系统标签: schoolartartworkportfolioportfoliosundergraduate Theseinstructionsde netheprocessforsubmittingaportfolioforundergraduateadmissionintotheSchoolofArt,SchoolofDesignandtheSchoolforAmericanCraftswithintheCollegeofImagingArtsandSciences(CIAS)atRochesterInstituteofTechnology.Originalworkscanalsobereviewed:•...
罗切斯特大学(University of Rochester,以下简称罗大)坐落于纽约州北部,安大略湖附近,是一所学术强校。2017年的诺贝尔经济学奖获得者理查德·塞勒(Richard Thaler)就是罗大的校友。即便学校的气候有些寒冷,但学校的地下通道提供暖气,方便学生在冬日里行走。
伦斯勒理工学院Rochester Institute of Technology 视觉艺术学院School of Visual Arts 罗德岛设计学院Rhode Island School of Design 寄宿生活 住宿安排: 校内宿舍, 89%的学生都住校内,宿舍以单人间和双人间为主。 假期安排: 圣诞节假期3周,大部分学生会选择回国,如果学生不回国,学校会安排当地的寄宿家庭,通常会安排...