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Below is'slaw school rankings, showing the top law schools in the United States. There are many law school rankings available on the internet and each has its own merit. We strongly suggest that all prospective law school students fully research schools, including visiting the campuse...
How do I get Vocational Certification? What is Vocational Guidance? What is Vocational Education? What is DeVry? What is Saturday School? Discussion Comments Byanon117381— On Oct 10, 2010 i have got an NVQ 2 and 3 in england. is this the same as a vocational school?
Trivia: Nothing really WOW, but did manage to get my Rescue Divercertification and lived and worked at a resort in Jamaica for awhile. I also got my private pilots license and now live in a residential airpark with myhusband and two children in Jupiter, Florida. I've moved at LEAST 15...