A total of 141 Japanese high school teachers completed a questionnaire which explored their views regarding the factors accounting for pupil misbehaviour, the frequency of pupil misbehaviour, and the strategies for dealing with pupil misbehaviour. The major factor accounting for pupil misbehaviour reported...
Photo about Hiroshima/Japan - August 7 2018: Japanese schoolgirls waiting for the bus. Image of lifestyle, teenagers, background - 148794571
Photo about Its a asia/japanese cute teen school girl in pink background. Image of japanese, background, sailor - 26262811
摘要: Objective. To investigate the perception and actual use of mobile phones among Japanese high school students while riding their bicycles, and their experience of bicycle crash/near-crash.关键词:Road Safety Mobile Phones Cyclists Japan
摘要: Japanese female students' experiences of the first Shanghai Incident : Based on the accounts in the publications of the Shanghai Japanese High School for Women 石川 照子 大妻比較文化 : 大妻女子大学比較文化学部紀要 (16), 24-34, 2015-03...
There is a massive internet photo trend brewing amongst youths in Japan right now that involves taking pictures of teens who appear to be releasing
Photo about Tokyo, Japan - February 23, 2002: Japanese school girl legs closeup. Image of uniform, foot, girl - 110951250
Photo about KYOTO, JAPAN, OCTOBER 09,2016 : Japanese school girls in Kyoto with sunny day. Image of uniform, korean, cheerful - 83521582
Focusing on Japanese high school students at university preparatory high schools, this thesis examined Japanese social influences on the students' attitudes toward long-term English learning and on gender differences in this attitudinal variable. Drawing its theoretical framework from Gardner's socio-educat...
Relationship Between Japanese Language Anxiety, Beliefs About Learning, and Language Use in Japanese Language Classes This study examined the relationship between Japanese language (JL) anxiety, beliefs about JL learning, and the amount of JL used in JL classes. The partic... R Inagaki,M Nakaya ...