(5)balanced.归纳总结题.根据第段""School lunch is designed to provide nutrition that tends to be lacking in meals at home," Education Ministry official Mayumi Ueda told AFP. "I think it contributes to the nutritional balance necessary for children.""学校午餐的目的是提供家庭膳食中缺乏的营养,"...
"School lunch is positioned as part of education under the law," Ueda said. "It's not just about eating food, but children learn to serve, and clean up on their own." The Japanese government studies nutrition and eating habits in Japan annually, and uses the results to shape what goes...
闲来无事,不经意间观看了一个名为《School Lunch in Japan Its Not Just About Eating!》的纪录片,片长8分钟,点击量几千万。看后,对比自己家正上小学的孩子的学校午餐,发自内心的感叹正如一位网友的评论“挺好,挺好!什么时候我们也能这样!”和日本孩子相比,我们的孩子算不算直接输在起跑线上了! 纪...
一顿普普通通日本小学生午餐《School Lunch in Japan》,在油管上获得了1900多万次点击,引全世界围观,这是为什么呢?在日本,为了从小培养孩子们对食物的敬意,珍惜粮食,小学开始就实行“給食当番”制度。孩子们在老师的辅助下,自己负责食品分发。学生轮流担当值日生,老师在一旁引导,非常规范。最后依然由孩子们统一搬运...
Since the focus of this site is bentos for lunch, I'm always fascinated by the subject of lunch in general. An interesting article in the Washington Post appeared yesterday, about school lunches in Japan.
"School lunch is positioned as part of education under the law," Ueda said. "It's not just about eating food, but children learn to serve, and clean up on their own."The Japanese government studies nutrition and eating habits in Japan annually, and uses the results to shape what goes ...
Japan, ," Mitsuhiko Hara日本所有小学和大多数初中都有营养学家制作的学校午餐和菜单."可知"shaped"符合语境.故填shaped. 5. balanced;考查上下文理解以及推理判断能力.根据第段""School lunch is designed to provide nutrition that tends to be lacking in meals at home," Education Ministry official Mayumi ...
School Lunch in Japan - It's Not Just About Eating! 6 人观看 • 7 1月 2017 • 7年前 0 人赞过 Dvachevskaya Alisa 266个粉丝 Get inspired to see how Japanese students operate their lunch period! You can see why "lunch period" is placed as a learning period in Japanese sch......
SCHOOL LUNCHObjective: We investigated the differences in the energy and nutrient contents of school lunches in which the grain portion consists of rice, bread, and noodles. Methods: We collected menus from 16 elementary schools in Tokyo in 2012. The mean nutrient contents of each type of grain...
LunchLunch11:30~12:15LunchLunch Free playFree play12:15~13:00Free playFree play Group activity Art, Litmics , Exercise, Kincarn's original program Group activity Art, Litmics , Exercise, Kincarn's original program 13:00~14:00Group activity ...