#7,584 in National Rankings #872 in California High Schools #329 in Los Angeles, CA Metro Area High Schools #77 in Los Angeles Unified School District High Schools 57.04 SCORECARD Took at Least One AP® Exam41% Passed at Least One AP® Exam27% Math...
Marlborough School是一所7-12年级的私立女校,于1889年由来自缅因州的年轻教师玛丽-卡斯维尔(Mary S. Caswell)建立。学生被鼓励并被赋予权力,利用他们强有力的声音和领导能力,为我们共同的世界带来持久的改变。 🏫学区信息 学校信息 🔍marlborough.org ☎️(323) 935-1147 📍250 S ROSSMORE AVE LOS ANGE...
The AP® participation rate at Los Angeles Senior High School is 47%. 95% of students are economically disadvantaged. Los Angeles Senior High School is 1 of 183 high schools in the Los Angeles Unified School District. Los Angeles Senior High School 2024 ...
LOS ANGELES, CA90049 Mirman School is a highly rated, private school located in LOS ANGELES, CA. It has 420 students in grades K-8 with a student-teacher ratio of 5 to 1. Tuition is $40,530 for the highest grade offered. Compare Mirman School to Other Schools ...
如果你进了大学,告诉别人你是哈佛西湖毕业的,你周围的同学都对你刮目相看。如果你找工作,简历上写了哈佛西湖,招聘单位也会觉得你不简单。 哈佛西湖中学位于洛杉矶的,是一所提供7-12年级教育男女合招的超顶级私立学校。学校无宗教背景,不提供住宿...
A police officer works as a crossing guard at an intersection near Fremont Elementary School in Los Angeles County, California, the United States, May 25, 2022. (Xinhua) LOS ANGELES, May 25 (Xinhua) -- Authorities in U.S. Southern California are on high alert in the wake of a Texas el...
LILA is a top-rated private international school in Los Angeles serving preschool through 12th grade with a focus on bilingual curriculum, diverse community and international celebration. Financial assistance available.
LILA is a top-rated private international school in Los Angeles serving preschool through 12th grade with a focus on bilingual curriculum, diverse community and international celebration. Financial assistance available.
A compost (堆肥) program at the Wesley School in Los Angeles is helping kindergarten through eighth grade students to teach them ways to solve human-driven climate change. For the past year, 5, 200 pounds of food waste from the school has gone into compost containers rather than a landfill...